Kale Sniderman
Kale Sniderman
Senior Research Fellow, School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Melbourne
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Decline of a biome: evolution, contraction, fragmentation, extinction and invasion of the Australian mesic zone biota
M Byrne, DA Steane, L Joseph, DK Yeates, GJ Jordan, D Crayn, K Aplin, ...
Journal of biogeography 38 (9), 1635-1656, 2011
Testing the Impact of Calibration on Molecular Divergence Times Using a Fossil-Rich Group: The Case of Nothofagus (Fagales)
H Sauquet, SYW Ho, MA Gandolfo, GJ Jordan, P Wilf, DJ Cantrill, ...
Systematic Biology 61 (2), 289-313, 2012
Pliocene reversal of late Neogene aridification
JMK Sniderman, JD Woodhead, J Hellstrom, GJ Jordan, RN Drysdale, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (8), 1999-2004, 2016
Developing a radiometrically-dated chronologic sequence for Neogene biotic change in Australia, from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area of Queensland
J Woodhead, J Hand, Suzanne, M Archer, I Graham, K Sniderman, ...
Gondwana Research 29 (1), 153-167, 2016
Paleo‐Antarctic rainforest into the modern Old World tropics: The rich past and threatened future of the “southern wet forest survivors”
RM Kooyman, P Wilf, VD Barreda, RJ Carpenter, GJ Jordan, ...
American Journal of Botany 101 (12), 2121-2135, 2014
Extent and timing of floristic exchange between Australian and Asian rain forests
JMK Sniderman, GJ Jordan
Journal of Biogeography 38 (8), 1445-1455, 2011
Fossil evidence for a hyperdiverse sclerophyll flora under a non–Mediterranean-type climate
JMK Sniderman, GJ Jordan, RM Cowling
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (9), 3423-3428, 2013
Initial Expansion of C4 Vegetation in Australia During the Late Pliocene
JW Andrae, FA McInerney, PJ Polissar, JMK Sniderman, S Howard, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (10), 4831-4840, 2018
Climate and vegetation in southeastern Australia respond to Southern Hemisphere insolation forcing in the late Pliocene–early Pleistocene
JM Kale Sniderman, B Pillans, PB O'Sullivan, AP Kershaw
Geology 35 (1), 41-44, 2007
Pollen analysis of Australian honey
JMK Sniderman, KA Matley, SG Haberle, DJ Cantrill
PLos ONE 13 (5), e0197545, 2018
Phased redevelopment of an ancient Gunditjmara fish trap over the past 800 years: Muldoons Trap Complex, Lake Condah, southwestern Victoria
IJ McNiven, J Crouch, T Richard, K Sniderman, N Dolby, ...
Australian Archaeology 81, 44-58, 2015
Pollen DNA metabarcoding identifies regional provenance and high plant diversity in Australian honey
L Milla, K Sniderman, R Lines, M Mousavi‐Derazmahalleh, ...
Ecology and Evolution 11 (13), 8683-8698, 2021
Southern Hemisphere subtropical drying as a transient response to warming
JMK Sniderman, JR Brown, JD Woodhead, AD King, NP Gillett, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (3), 232-236, 2019
A continental perspective on the timing of environmental change during the last glacial stage in Australia
H Cadd, L Petherick, J Tyler, A Herbert, TJ Cohen, K Sniderman, ...
Quaternary Research 102, 5-23, 2021
Vegetation and climate change in southwestern Australia during the Last Glacial Maximum
JMK Sniderman, J Hellstrom, JD Woodhead, RN Drysdale, P Bajo, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (3), 1709-1720, 2019
The antiquity of Nullarbor speleothems and implications for karst palaeoclimate archives
JD Woodhead, JMK Sniderman, J Hellstrom, RN Drysdale, R Maas, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 603, 2019
A diverse flora – species and genetic relationships
M Byrne, SD Hopper, KR Thiele, DJ Coates, SL Krauss, JMK Sniderman, ...
Plant Life on the Sandplains in Southwest Australia, a Global Biodiversity …, 2014
Early Pleistocene vegetation change in upland south‐eastern Australia
JMK Sniderman
Journal of Biogeography 38 (8), 1456-1470, 2011
Quantitative reconstruction of Early Pleistocene climate in southeastern Australia and implications for atmospheric circulation
JMK Sniderman, N Porch, AP Kershaw
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (27-28), 3185-3196, 2009
Studying climate stabilization at Paris Agreement levels
TZ Andrew D King, JM Sniderman, Andrea J Dittus, Josephine R Brown, Ed Hawkins
Nature Climate Change, 1-4, 2021
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