Stelios Xinogalos
Stelios Xinogalos
Dept. of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia
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A comparative analysis of cross-platform development approaches for mobile applications
S Xanthopoulos, S Xinogalos
Proceedings of the 6th Balkan Conference in Informatics, 213-220, 2013
Overview and comparative analysis of game engines for desktop and mobile devices
E Christopoulou, S Xinogalos
International Journal of Serious Games, 2017
Studying the effects of computer serious games on people with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorder: A systematic literature review
S Tsikinas, S Xinogalos
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 35 (1), 61-73, 2019
CMX: The effects of an educational MMORPG on learning and teaching computer programming
C Malliarakis, M Satratzemi, S Xinogalos
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 10 (2), 219-235, 2016
An introduction to object-oriented programming with a didactic microworld: objectKarel
S Xinogalos, M Satratzemi, V Dagdilelis
Computers & Education 47 (2), 148-171, 2006
Object-oriented design and programming: an investigation of novices’ conceptions on objects and classes
S Xinogalos
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 15 (3), 1-21, 2015
Designing and deploying programming courses: Strategies, tools, difficulties and pedagogy
S Xinogalos
Education and Information Technologies 21, 559-588, 2016
Designing Educational Games for Computer Programming: A Holistic Framework.
C Malliarakis, M Satratzemi, S Xinogalos
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 12 (3), 281-298, 2014
A pilot study on the effectiveness and acceptance of an educational game for teaching programming concepts to primary school students
A Giannakoulas, S Xinogalos
Education and Information Technologies 23, 2029-2052, 2018
Towards a serious games design framework for people with intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder
S Tsikinas, S Xinogalos
Education and Information Technologies 25 (4), 3405-3423, 2020
Educational games for teaching computer programming
C Malliarakis, M Satratzemi, S Xinogalos
Research on e-learning and ICT in Education: Technological, Pedagogical and …, 2014
Convergence of Internet of things and mobile cloud computing
KE Psannis, S Xinogalos, A Sifaleras
Systems Science & Control Engineering: An Open Access Journal 2 (1), 476-483, 2014
Microworlds, games, animations, mobile apps, puzzle editors and more: What is important for an introductory programming environment?
S Xinogalos, M Satratzemi, C Malliarakis
Education and Information Technologies 22, 145-176, 2017
Integrating learning analytics in an educational MMORPG for computer programming
C Malliarakis, M Satratzemi, S Xinogalos
2014 IEEE 14th international conference on advanced learning technologies …, 2014
Using Flowchart-based Programming Environments for Simplifying Programming and Software Engineering Processes
S Xinogalos
Designing effective serious games for people with intellectual disabilities
S Tsikinas, S Xinogalos
2018 IEEE global engineering education conference (EDUCON), 1896-1903, 2018
Evaluating the effects of scripted distributed pair programming on student performance and participation
D Tsompanoudi, M Satratzemi, S Xinogalos
IEEE Transactions on education 59 (1), 24-31, 2015
Technology enhanced learning in programming courses–international perspective
M Ivanović, S Xinogalos, T Pitner, M Savić
Education and Information Technologies 22, 2981-3003, 2017
An evaluation of knowledge transfer from microworld programming to conventional programming
S Xinogalos
Journal of Educational Computing Research 47 (3), 251-277, 2012
Studying the effects of teaching programming to lower secondary school students with a serious game: a case study with Python and CodeCombat
C Kroustalli, S Xinogalos
Education and Information Technologies 26 (5), 6069-6095, 2021
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