Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Professor N.Janardhana RajuWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 10
Heavy metal contamination in river water and sediments of the Swarnamukhi River Basin, India: risk assessment and environmental implications
P Patel, NJ Raju, BCSR Reddy, U Suresh, DB Sankar, TVK Reddy
Environmental geochemistry and health 40, 609-623, 2018
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Trace elements contamination in groundwater and associated human health risk in the industrial region of southern Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh, India
A Ahamad, NJ Raju, S Madhav, AH Khan
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 42, 3373-3391, 2020
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Potentially toxic elements in soil and road dust around Sonbhadra industrial region, Uttar Pradesh, India: Source apportionment and health risk assessment
A Ahamad, NJ Raju, S Madhav, W Gossel, P Ram, P Wycisk
Environmental Research 202, 111685, 2021
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Hydrogeochemical assessment of groundwater quality and associated potential human health risk in Bhadohi environs, India
S Madhav, NJ Raju, A Ahamad, AK Singh, P Ram, W Gossel
Environmental Earth Sciences 80 (17), 585, 2021
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Impact assessment of faecal sludge on groundwater and river water quality in Lucknow environs, Uttar Pradesh, India
S Singh, N Hariteja, TJR Prasad, NJ Raju, C Ramakrishna
Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11, 100461, 2020
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Environmental pollution of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and its human health risk assessment in Delhi urban environs, India
P Joshi, NJ Raju, NS Siddaiah, D Karunanidhi
Urban Climate 46, 101309, 2022
Mandate: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Coastal macrophytes as bioindicators of trace metals in the Asia's largest lagoon ecosystem
S Nazneen, AK Mishra, NJ Raju, G Mehmood
Marine Pollution Bulletin 178, 113576, 2022
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Chemical weathering and atmospheric CO2 consumption in the semi-arid Swarnamukhi basin (Peninsular India) estimated from river water geochemistry
P Patel, NJ Raju, V Subramanian, W Gossel, P Wycisk
Applied Geochemistry 113, 104520, 2020
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Hydrogeochemical characterization for groundwater quality and risk assessment in part of central gangetic alluvium, India
S Dey, S Singh, NJ Raju, RK Mall
Groundwater for Sustainable Development 25, 101108, 2024
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Fluoride in groundwater of industrial town of Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh, India: probable release mechanism and potential health risk assessment
A Ahamad, N Janardhana Raju, S Madhav, P Ram
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 45 (11), 7957-7977, 2023
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Verfügbar: 13
Technology options for faecal sludge management in developing countries: Benefits and revenue from reuse
S Singh, RR Mohan, S Rathi, NJ Raju
Environmental Technology & Innovation 7, 203-218, 2017
Mandate: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Heavy metal fractionation in core sediments and potential biological risk assessment from Chilika lagoon, Odisha state, India
S Nazneen, S Singh, NJ Raju
Quaternary International 507, 370-388, 2019
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Advancements in hydrochemistry mapping: methods and application to groundwater arsenic and iron concentrations in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
RA Olea, NJ Raju, JJ Egozcue, V Pawlowsky-Glahn, S Singh
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 32, 241-259, 2018
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India, Government of Spain
Production of biogas from human faeces mixed with the co-substrate poultry litter & cow dung
S Singh, N Hariteja, S Sharma, NJ Raju, TJR Prasad
Environmental Technology & Innovation 23, 101551, 2021
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Factors controlling the net ecosystem production of cryoconite on Western Himalayan glaciers
MS Shamurailatpam, J Telling, JL Wadham, AL Ramanathan, CA Yates, ...
Biogeochemistry 162 (2), 201-220, 2023
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Hydrogeochemical characterization and geochemical modeling for the evaluation of groundwater quality and health risk assessment in the Varuna River basin, India
S Dey, NJ Raju, W Gossel, RK Mall
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 45 (7), 4679-4702, 2023
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
A comprehensive multidecadal glacier inventory dataset for the Chandra-Bhaga Basin, Western Himalaya, India
S Vatsal, A Bhardwaj, MF Azam, A Mandal, A Ramanathan, I Bahuguna, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2022, 1-38, 2022
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Assessment of blue carbon stock of Coringa mangroves: Climate change perspective
K Rao, AL Ramanathan, NJ Raju
Journal of Climate Change 8 (2), 41-58, 2022
Mandate: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Geothermal energy potential in relation to black carbon reduction and CO2 mitigation of Himalayan geothermal belt–A review
HK Singh, D Chandrasekharam, NJ Raju, S Ranjan
Geothermics 119, 102962, 2024
Mandate: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Scientific and …
Geothermal potential of Manuguru geothermal field of Godavari valley, India
HK Singh, D Chandrasekharam, A Minissale, NJ Raju, A Baba
Geothermics 105, 102545, 2022
Mandate: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
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