Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Essam AhmedWeitere Informationen
Verfügbar: 4
Impact of precipitates on the hydrogen embrittlement behavior of a V-alloyed medium-manganese austenitic stainless steel
T Allam, X Guo, M Lipińska-Chwałek, A Hamada, E Ahmed, W Bleck
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (6), 13524-13538, 2020
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Development of a Cr-Ni-VN medium manganese steel with balanced mechanical and corrosion properties
T Allam, X Guo, S Sevsek, M Lipińska-Chwałek, A Hamada, E Ahmed, ...
Metals 9 (6), 705, 2019
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Enhancement of strength in laser-joined Al-TRIP and Si-TRIP steels: microstructural insights and deformation analysis
A Hamada, A Khosravifard, S Ghosh, M Jaskari, M Kreins, W Abd-Elaziem, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 885, 145591, 2023
Mandate: Business Finland
Production of AlSi12CuNiMg/Al2O3 Micro/Nanodispersed Surface Composites Using Friction Stir Processing for Automotive Applications
L Tonelli, M Refat, S Toschi, MMZ Ahmed, E Ahmed, A Morri, ...
Friction stir welding and processing X, 233-242, 2019
Mandate: Government of Italy
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