Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Wendy L. TaylorWeitere Informationen
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UK building thermal performance from industrial and governmental perspectives
J Ling-Chin, W Taylor, P Davidson, D Reay, WI Nazi, S Tassou, ...
Applied Energy 237, 270-282, 2019
Mandate: UK Research & Innovation
Verfügbar: 21
Immersive, interactive virtual field trips promote science learning
C Mead, S Buxner, G Bruce, W Taylor, S Semken, AD Anbar
Journal of Geoscience Education 67 (2), 131-142, 2019
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space …
State-of-the-art technologies on low-grade heat recovery and utilization in industry
J Ling-Chin, H Bao, Z Ma, W Taylor, A Roskilly
Energy conversion: current technologies and future trends, 2019
Mandate: UK Research & Innovation
Pushing the boundary: a calibrated Ediacaran-Cambrian stratigraphic record from the Nama Group in northwestern Republic of South Africa
LL Nelson, J Ramezani, JE Almond, SAF Darroch, WL Taylor, DC Brenner, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 580, 117396, 2022
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Moving towards low-carbon manufacturing in the UK automotive industry
A Giampieri, J Ling-Chin, W Taylor, A Smallbone, AP Roskilly
Energy Procedia 158, 3381-3386, 2019
Mandate: UK Research & Innovation
Scratch circles from the Ediacaran and Cambrian of Arctic Norway and southern Africa, with a review of scratch circle occurrences
S Jensen, AES HöGSTRöM, J Almond, WL Taylor, G Meinhold, ...
Bulletin of Geosciences 93 (3), 287-304, 2018
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
New occurrences of Palaeopascichnus from the Stáhpogieddi Formation, Arctic Norway, and their bearing on the age of the Varanger Ice Age
S Jensen, AES Högström, M Høyberget, G Meinhold, D McIlroy, ...
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 55 (11), 1253-1261, 2018
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Acritarchs from the Duolbagáisá Formation (Cambrian Series 2, Miaolingian) on the Digermulen Peninsula, Finnmark, Arctic Norway: towards a high-resolution Cambrian …
T Palacios, AES Högström, JOR Ebbestad, H Agić, M Høyberget, ...
Geological Magazine 157 (12), 2051-2066, 2020
Mandate: Research Council of Norway, Government of Spain
Taphonomy and sedimentology of an echinoderm obrution bed in the Lower Devonian Voorstehoek formation (Bokkeveld Group, Cape Supergroup) of South Africa
M Reid, EM Bordy, W Taylor
Journal of African Earth Sciences 110, 135-149, 2015
Mandate: National Research Foundation, South Africa
Organically-preserved multicellular eukaryote from the early Ediacaran Nyborg Formation, Arctic Norway
H Agić, AES Högström, M Moczydłowska, S Jensen, T Palacios, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 14659, 2019
Mandate: Swedish Research Council, Research Council of Norway
Distribution and correlation of Sabellidites cambriensis (Annelida?) in the basal Cambrian on Baltica
JOR Ebbestad, F Hybertsen, AES Högström, S Jensen, T Palacios, ...
Geological Magazine 159 (7), 1262-1283, 2022
Mandate: Research Council of Norway, Government of Spain
First record of carbonates with spherulites and cone-in-cone structures from the Precambrian of Arctic Norway, and their palaeoenvironmental significance
G Meinhold, S Jensen, M Høyberget, A Arslan, JOR Ebbestad, ...
Precambrian Research 328, 99-110, 2019
Mandate: Research Council of Norway, Government of Spain
U–Pb dating of calcite in ancient carbonates for age estimates of syn-to post-depositional processes: a case study from the upper Ediacaran strata of Finnmark, Arctic Norway
G Meinhold, NMW Roberts, A Arslan, S Jensen, JOR Ebbestad, ...
Geological Magazine 157 (8), 1367-1372, 2020
Mandate: Research Council of Norway, Government of Spain
Late Ediacaran occurrences of the organic-walled microfossils Granomarginata and flask-shaped Lagoenaforma collaris gen. et sp. nov.
H Agić, AES Högström, S Jensen, JOR Ebbestad, P Vickers-Rich, M Hall, ...
Geological Magazine 159 (7), 1071-1092, 2022
Mandate: Swedish Research Council, Research Council of Norway, Government of Spain
Organic‐walled microfossils from the Kistedalen Formation, Norway: acritarch chronostratigraphy of the Baltic Miaolingian and evolutionary trends of placoid acritarchs
T Palacios, AES Högström, S Jensen, JOR Ebbestad, H Agić, ...
Papers in Palaeontology 8 (4), e1457, 2022
Mandate: Research Council of Norway, Government of Spain
Gamifying virtual exploration of the past 350 million years of vertebrate evolution
C Mead, G Bruce, W Taylor, S Buxner, AD Anbar
Frontiers in Education 7, 836783, 2022
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
UK policies and industrial stakeholder perspectives on building thermal performance
J Ling-Chin, W Taylor, P Davidson, D Reay, S Tassou, AP Roskilly
Energy Procedia 158, 3375-3380, 2019
Mandate: UK Research & Innovation
Rare earth elements and neodymium and strontium isotopic constraints on provenance switch and post-depositional alteration of fossiliferous Ediacaran and lowermost Cambrian …
G Meinhold, M Willbold, V Karius, S Jensen, H Agić, JOR Ebbestad, ...
Precambrian Research 381, 106845, 2022
Mandate: Swedish Research Council, Research Council of Norway, Government of Spain
A late Caledonian tectono-thermal event in the Gaissa Nappe Complex, Arctic Norway: evidence from fine-fraction K‒Ar dating and illite crystallinity from the Digermulen Peninsula
G Meinhold, K Wemmer, AES Högström, JOR Ebbestad, S Jensen, ...
GFF 141 (4), 289-294, 2019
Mandate: Research Council of Norway, Government of Spain
Life through an Ediacaran glaciation: Shale-and diamictite-hosted organic-walled microfossil assemblages from the late Neoproterozoic of the Tanafjorden area, northern Norway
H Agić, S Jensen, G Meinhold, AES Högström, JOR Ebbestad, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 635, 111956, 2024
Mandate: Swedish Research Council, Research Council of Norway
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