Wendy L. Taylor
Wendy L. Taylor
Department of Geological Sciences, University of Cape Town
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Echinoderm taphonomy, taphofacies, and Lagerstätten
CE Brett, HA Moffat, WL Taylor
The Paleontological Society Papers 3, 147-190, 1997
Immersive, interactive virtual field trips promote science learning
C Mead, S Buxner, G Bruce, W Taylor, S Semken, AD Anbar
Journal of Geoscience Education 67 (2), 131-142, 2019
Taphonomy and paleoecology of echinoderm Lagerstätten from the Silurian (Wenlockian) Rochester Shale
WL Taylor, CE Brett
Palaios, 118-140, 1996
State-of-the-art technologies on low-grade heat recovery and utilization in industry
J Ling-Chin, H Bao, Z Ma, W Taylor, A Roskilly
Energy conversion: current technologies and future trends, 2019
Discrimination of Africanized honey bees using behavior, cell size, morphometrics, and a newly discovered isozyme polymorphism.
M Spivak, T Ranker, ORJ Taylor, W Taylor, L Davis
Pushing the boundary: a calibrated Ediacaran-Cambrian stratigraphic record from the Nama Group in northwestern Republic of South Africa
LL Nelson, J Ramezani, JE Almond, SAF Darroch, WL Taylor, DC Brenner, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 580, 117396, 2022
Moving towards low-carbon manufacturing in the UK automotive industry
A Giampieri, J Ling-Chin, W Taylor, A Smallbone, AP Roskilly
Energy Procedia 158, 3381-3386, 2019
New 40Ar/39Ar ages from three bentonites in the Bearpaw, Horseshoe Canyon, and Scollard formations (Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene) of southern Alberta, Canada
DA Eberth, A Deino, DR Braman, F Therrien, EB Koppelhus, W Taylor
Dinosaur Park Sym− posium, Short Papers, Abstracts, and Program, Royal …, 2005
Scratch circles from the Ediacaran and Cambrian of Arctic Norway and southern Africa, with a review of scratch circle occurrences
S Jensen, AES HöGSTRöM, J Almond, WL Taylor, G Meinhold, ...
Bulletin of Geosciences 93 (3), 287-304, 2018
New occurrences of Palaeopascichnus from the Stáhpogieddi Formation, Arctic Norway, and their bearing on the age of the Varanger Ice Age
S Jensen, AES Högström, M Høyberget, G Meinhold, D McIlroy, ...
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 55 (11), 1253-1261, 2018
The Machaeridian Lepidocoleus Sarlei Clarke, 1896, from the Rochester Shale (Silurian) of New York State
AES Högström, WL Taylor
Palaeontology 44 (1), 113-130, 2001
Microfabric and taphonomic analysis in determining sedimentary processes in marine mudstones; example from Silurian of New York
NR O'Brien, CE Brett, WL Taylor
Journal of Sedimentary Research 64 (4a), 847-852, 1994
The Homocrinus beds: Silurian crinoid Lagerstätten of western New York and southern Ontario
CE Brett, WL Taylor, GC Baird
Paleontological Events. Stratigraphic, Ecological and Evolutionary …, 1997
Acritarchs from the Duolbagáisá Formation (Cambrian Series 2, Miaolingian) on the Digermulen Peninsula, Finnmark, Arctic Norway: towards a high-resolution Cambrian …
T Palacios, AES Högström, JOR Ebbestad, H Agić, M Høyberget, ...
Geological Magazine 157 (12), 2051-2066, 2020
Taphonomy and sedimentology of an echinoderm obrution bed in the Lower Devonian Voorstehoek formation (Bokkeveld Group, Cape Supergroup) of South Africa
M Reid, EM Bordy, W Taylor
Journal of African Earth Sciences 110, 135-149, 2015
Susiea newsalemae gen. et sp. nov. (Nymphaeaceae): Euryale-like Seeds from the Late Paleocene Almont Flora, North Dakota, U.S.A.
W Taylor, ML DeVore, KB Pigg
International Journal of Plant Sciences 167 (6), 1271-1278, 2006
Organically-preserved multicellular eukaryote from the early Ediacaran Nyborg Formation, Arctic Norway
H Agić, AES Högström, M Moczydłowska, S Jensen, T Palacios, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 14659, 2019
Biogeography of Campanian hadrosaurid dinosaurs from western North America
TA Gates, DC Evans, DR Braman, F Therrien, EB Koppelhus, W Taylor
Dinosaur Park Symposium short papers, abstracts, and programs. Royal Tyrrell …, 2005
Distribution and correlation of Sabellidites cambriensis (Annelida?) in the basal Cambrian on Baltica
JOR Ebbestad, F Hybertsen, AES Högström, S Jensen, T Palacios, ...
Geological Magazine 159 (7), 1262-1283, 2022
Pathological risk factors and outcomes in women with stage IB2 cervical cancer treated with primary radical surgery versus chemoradiotherapy
M Bradbury, C Founta, W Taylor, A Kucukmetin, R Naik, C Ang
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 25 (8), 1476-1483, 2015
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