Xavier Anguera
Xavier Anguera
ELSA Corp.
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Speaker diarization: A review of recent research
X Anguera, S Bozonnet, NWD Evans, C Fredouille, G Friedland, O Vinyals
in ”IEEE Transactions On Acoustics Speech and Language Processing”(TASLP …, 2011
Acoustic beamforming for speaker diarization of meetings
X Anguera, C Wooters, J Hernando
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 15 (7), 2011-2022, 2007
Robust speaker diarization for meetings
X Anguera
PhD Thesis, 2006
The zero resource speech challenge 2015.
M Versteegh, R Thiolliere, T Schatz, XN Cao, X Anguera, A Jansen, ...
Interspeech 15, 3169-3173, 2015
The zero resource speech challenge 2017
E Dunbar, XN Cao, J Benjumea, J Karadayi, M Bernard, L Besacier, ...
2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU …, 2017
Robust speaker segmentation for meetings: The ICSI-SRI spring 2005 diarization system
X Anguera, C Wooters, B Peskin, M Aguiló
Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction: Second International Workshop …, 2006
Speaker diarization for multiple-distant-microphone meetings using several sources of information
J Pardo, X Anguera, C Wooters
IEEE Transactions on computers 56 (9), 1212-1224, 2007
Towards robust speaker segmentation: The ICSI-SRI fall 2004 diarization system
C Wooters, J Fung, B Peskin, X Anguera
RT-04F Workshop 23, 23, 2004
The spoken web search task at MediaEval 2012
F Metze, X Anguera, E Barnard, M Davel, G Gravier
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
The zero resource speech challenge 2015: Proposed approaches and results
M Versteegh, X Anguera, A Jansen, E Dupoux
Procedia Computer Science 81, 67-72, 2016
Mask: Robust local features for audio fingerprinting
X Anguera, A Garzon, T Adamek
2012 IEEE international conference on multimedia and expo, 455-460, 2012
Further progress in meeting recognition: The ICSI-SRI Spring 2005 speech-to-text evaluation system
A Stolcke, X Anguera, K Boakye, Ö Çetin, F Grézl, A Janin, A Mandal, ...
Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction: Second International Workshop …, 2006
The SRI-ICSI Spring 2007 meeting and lecture recognition system
A Stolcke, X Anguera, K Boakye, Ö Çetin, A Janin, M Magimai-Doss, ...
International Evaluation Workshop on Rich Transcription, 450-463, 2007
The ICSI RT-09 speaker diarization system
G Friedland, A Janin, D Imseng, X Anguera, L Gottlieb, M Huijbregts, ...
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 20 (2), 371-381, 2011
Memory efficient subsequence DTW for query-by-example spoken term detection
X Anguera, M Ferrarons
2013 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 1-6, 2013
Speaker diarization for multiple distant microphone meetings: mixing acoustic features and inter-channel time differences.
JM Pardo, X Anguera, C Wooters
Interspeech, 2006
The spoken web search task
X Anguera, F Metze, A Buzo, I Szoke, LJ Rodriguez-Fuentes
Carnegie Mellon University, 2013
Speaker diarization for multi-party meetings using acoustic fusion
X Anguera, C Woofers, J Hernando
IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, 2005., 426-431, 2005
Partial sequence matching using an unbounded dynamic time warping algorithm
X Anguera, R Macrae, N Oliver
2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2010
Query by Example Search on Speech at Mediaeval 2014.
X Anguera, LJ Rodriguez-Fuentes, I Szöke, A Buzo, F Metze
MediaEval, 2014
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