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Tropical perturbations in the Eastern Pacific and the Precipitation field over North‐Western Mexico in relation to the enso phenomenon
S Reyes, A Mejía‐Trejo
International Journal of Climatology 11 (5), 515-528, 1991
Effects of upwelling, tides and biological processes on the inorganic carbon system of a coastal lagoon in Baja California
M Ribas-Ribas, JM Hernández-Ayón, VF Camacho-Ibar, A Cabello-Pasini, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 95 (4), 367-376, 2011
Anomalous hydrographic conditions off the northwestern coast of the Baja California Peninsula during 2013-2016
R Durazo, R Castro, LE Miranda, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, A Mejía-Trejo
Ciencias marinas 43 (2), 81-92, 2017
Potencial ostrícola del brazo oeste de Bahía San Quintín: Biomasa actual y estimación preliminar de la capacidad de carga
Z García-Esquivel, MA González-Gómez, F Ley-Lou, A Mejía-Trejo
Ciencias marinas 30 (1A), 61-74, 2004
Variabilidad del CO2 total durante eventos de surgencia en Bahía San Quintín, Baja California, México
JM Hernández-Ayón, VF Camacho-Ibar, A Mejía-Trejo, A Cabello-Pasini
Carbono en ecosistemas acuáticos de México. Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y …, 2007
On the sources of PBDEs in coastal marine sediments off Baja California, Mexico
JV Macías-Zamora, N Ramírez-Álvarez, FA Hernández-Guzmán, ...
Science of The Total Environment 571, 59-66, 2016
Air–Water CO2 Fluxes and Net Ecosystem Production Changes in a Baja California Coastal Lagoon During the Anomalous North Pacific Warm Condition
MC Ávila-López, JM Hernández-Ayón, VF Camacho-Ibar, AF Bermúdez, ...
Estuaries and coasts 40, 792-806, 2017
Oyster culture potential in the west arm of San Quintín Bay: current biomass and preliminary estimate of the carrying capacity
Z García-Esquivel, MA González-Gómez, F Ley-Lou, A Mejía-Trejo
Ciencias Marinas 30 (1a), 61-74, 2004
Three-dimensional exchange flows in a semi-enclosed bay: Numerical simulations and high frequency radar observations
X Flores-Vidal, S González-Montes, R Zertuche-Chanes, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 210, 26-35, 2018
Efecto del mesoclima en la maduración de uva nebbiolo (Vitis vinifera) en el valle de guadalupe, baja california, méxico
A Cabello-Pasini, V Macias-Carranza, A Mejía-Trejo
Agrociencia 51 (6), 617-633, 2017
Influence of Santa Ana winds on the surface circulation of Todos Santos Bay, Baja California, Mexico
LF Navarro-Olache, R Castro, R Durazo, R Hernández-Walls, ...
Atmósfera 34 (1), 97-109, 2021
Predicting barrier beach breaching due to extreme water levels at San Quntín, Baja California, Mexico
T Vidal-Juárez, AR de Alegría-Arzaburu, A Mejía-Trejo, H García-Nava, ...
Journal of coastal research, 100-106, 2014
Aquaculture potential of Mexican coasts
OE Delgado-González, JA Jiménez, I Espejel, JL Ferman-Almada, ...
Journal of Coastal Research 27 (6), 1137-1147, 2011
The effects of beach morphology variations on the profile of nearshore currents on a gently sloping mesotidal beach
A Ruiz de Alegria-Arzaburu, MA Arreola-Cortez, H García-Nava, ...
Journal of Coastal Research, 457-461, 2016
Influence of the advection of water masses in the Ballenas Channel on the CO2 system in Bahía de los Angeles (Mexico)
LM Martínez-Fuentes, CO Norzagaray-López, JM Hernández-Ayón, ...
Regional Studies in Marine Science 55, 102505, 2022
Seismic noise levels in northern Baja California, México
EE Ramírez, J Antonio Vidal‐Villegas, M Alejandra Nuñez‐Leal, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 109 (2), 610-620, 2019
San Quintin Lagoon hydrodynamics case study
O Delgado-González, F Marván-Gargollo, A Mejía-Trejo, E Gil-Silva
Water Resources Management and Modeling, 127-144, 2012
La profundidad e hidrodinámica como herramientas para la selección de espacios acuícolas en la zona costera
OE Delgado-González, JA Jiménez, JL Fermán-Almada, ...
Ciencias marinas 36 (3), 249-265, 2010
Depth and hydrodynamics as tools to select aquaculture areas in the coastal zone
OE Delgado-González, JA Jiménez, JL Fermán-Almada, ...
Ciencias Marinas 36 (3), 249-265, 2010
An exploration of the population characteristics and behaviours of the white shark in Guadalupe Island, Mexico (2014–2019): Observational data from cage diving vessels
O Santana‐Morales, R Zertuche‐Chanes, EM Hoyos‐Padilla, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31 (12), 3480-3491, 2021
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