Simon Fischer-Baum
Simon Fischer-Baum
National Science Foundation // Associate Professor of Psychology, Rice University
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Spatiotemporal dynamics of orthographic and lexical processing in the ventral visual pathway
O Woolnough, C Donos, PS Rollo, KJ Forseth, Y Lakretz, NE Crone, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (3), 389-398, 2021
Uncovering the cognitive architecture of spelling
B Rapp
The handbook of adult language disorders: Integrating cognitive …, 2002
Brain modularity mediates the relation between task complexity and performance
Q Yue, RC Martin, S Fischer-Baum, AI Ramos-Nuñez, F Ye, MW Deem
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 29 (9), 1532-1546, 2017
Representation of letter position in spelling: Evidence from acquired dysgraphia
S Fischer-Baum, M McCloskey, B Rapp
Cognition 115 (3), 466-490, 2010
Decoding levels of representation in reading: A representational similarity approach
S Fischer-Baum, D Bruggemann, IF Gallego, DSP Li, ER Tamez
Cortex 90, 88-102, 2017
Frequency and regularity effects in reading are task dependent: Evidence from ERPs
S Fischer-Baum, DS Dickson, KD Federmeier
Language, cognition and neuroscience 29 (10), 1342-1355, 2014
Both-edges representation of letter position in reading
S Fischer-Baum, J Charny, M McCloskey
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 18, 1083-1089, 2011
Underlying cause (s) of letter perseveration errors
S Fischer-Baum, B Rapp
Neuropsychologia 50 (2), 305-318, 2012
Perseveration during verbal fluency in traumatic brain injury reflects impairments in working memory.
S Fischer-Baum, M Miozzo, M Laiacona, E Capitani
Neuropsychology 30 (7), 791, 2016
Temporal stability and representational distinctiveness: Key functions of orthographic working memory
V Costa, S Fischer-Baum, R Capasso, G Miceli, B Rapp
Cognitive neuropsychology 28 (5), 338-362, 2011
Representation of item position in immediate serial recall: Evidence from intrusion errors.
S Fischer-Baum, M McCloskey
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 41 (5), 1426, 2015
Representation of Orthographic Knowledge
B Rapp, S Fischer-Baum
Oxford Handbook of Language Production, 338-357, 2014
Modality and morphology: What we write may not be what we say
B Rapp, S Fischer-Baum, M Miozzo
Psychological science 26 (6), 892-902, 2015
Orthographic units in the absence of visual processing: Evidence from sublexical structure in braille
S Fischer-Baum, R Englebretson
Cognition 153, 161-174, 2016
Perseverations in Alzheimer's disease: memory slips?
M Miozzo, S Fischer-Baum, E Caccappolo-van Vliet
Cortex 49 (8), 2028-2039, 2013
Representation of letter position in single-word reading: Evidence from acquired dyslexia
M McCloskey, S Fischer-Baum, T Schubert
Cognitive Neuropsychology 30 (6), 396-428, 2013
Single-case cognitive neuropsychology in the age of big data
J Medina, S Fischer-Baum
Cognitive neuropsychology 34 (7-8), 440-448, 2017
A spatiotemporal map of reading aloud
O Woolnough, C Donos, A Curtis, PS Rollo, ZJ Roccaforte, S Dehaene, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 42 (27), 5438-5450, 2022
Early lexical influences on sublexical processing in speech perception: Evidence from electrophysiology
C Noe, S Fischer-Baum
Cognition 197, 104162, 2020
Static and dynamic measures of human brain connectivity predict complementary aspects of human cognitive performance
AI Ramos-Nuñez, S Fischer-Baum, RC Martin, Q Yue, F Ye, MW Deem
Frontiers in human neuroscience 11, 420, 2017
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