Arturo de Lombera Hermida
Arturo de Lombera Hermida
Universidad de Oviedo. CISPAC
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The early and middle pleistocene technological record from Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain)
A Ollé, M Mosquera, XP Rodríguez, A de Lombera-Hermida, ...
Quaternary International 295, 138-167, 2013
The lithic industry of Sima del Elefante (Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain) in the context of Early and Middle Pleistocene technology in Europe
A de Lombera-Hermida, A Bargalló, M Terradillos-Bernal, R Huguet, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 82, 95-106, 2015
Latitudinal gradient in dairy production with the introduction of farming in Atlantic Europe
M Cubas, A Lucquin, HK Robson, AC Colonese, P Arias, B Aubry, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2036, 2020
The Acheulean from Atapuerca: Three steps forward, one step back
A Ollé, M Mosquera, XP Rodríguez-Álvarez, P García-Medrano, D Barsky, ...
Quaternary International 411, 316-328, 2016
A western route of prehistoric human migration from Africa into the Iberian Peninsula
G Gonzalez-Fortes, F Tassi, E Trucchi, K Henneberger, JLA Paijmans, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1895), 20182288, 2019
Level TE9c of Sima del Elefante (sierra de Atapuerca, Spain): A comprehensive approach
R Huguet, J Vallverdú, XP Rodríguez-Álvarez, M Terradillos-Bernal, ...
Quaternary International 433, 278-295, 2017
The Scar Identification of Quartz lithic Industries
A de Lombera-Hermida
Non-Flint Raw Material Use in Prehistory. Old Prejudices and New Direction, 5-12, 2009
The lithic assemblage from Pont-de-Lavaud (Indre, France) and the role of the bipolar-on-anvil technique in the Lower and Early Middle Pleistocene technology
A de Lombera-Hermida, XP Rodríguez-Álvarez, L Peña, R Sala-Ramos, ...
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 41, 159-184, 2016
Last Neanderthals and first Anatomically Modern Humans in the NW Iberian Peninsula: Climatic and environmental conditions inferred from the Cova Eirós small-vertebrate …
I Rey-Rodríguez, JM López-García, M Bennasar, S Banuls-Cardona, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 151, 185-197, 2016
Quartzes matter. Understanding the technological and behavioural complexity in quartz lithic assemblages
A de Lombera-Hermida, C Rodríguez-Rellán
Quaternary International 424, 2-11, 2016
La gestión del utillaje de piedra tallada en el Paleolítico Medio de Galicia. El nivel 3 de Cova Eirós (Triacastela, Lugo)
T Lazuén, R Fábregas, A Lombera, XP Rodríguez
Trabajos de Prehistoria 68 (2), 237-258, 2011
Nuevas fechas radiométricas para la Prehistoria del noroeste de la Península Ibérica: la cueva de Valdavara (Becerreá, Lugo)
M Vaquero Rodríguez, S Alonso Fernández, C Alonso Fernández, ...
Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2009
Quartz and quartzite refits at Gran Dolina (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos): connecting lithic artefacts in the Middle Pleistocene unit of TD10. 1
E López-Ortega, A Bargalló, A de Lombera-Hermida, M Mosquera, A Ollé, ...
Quaternary International 433, 85-102, 2017
Cova Eirós: an integrated approach to dating the earliest known cave art in NW Iberia
KL Steelman, A de Lombera-Hermida, R Viñas-Vallverdú, ...
Radiocarbon 59 (1), 151-164, 2017
Quartz et quartzite dans le site de Payre (MIS 7 et 5, Ardèche, France): données techno-économiques sur la gestion de roches locales au Paléolithique moyen
MH Moncel, A Borel, A De Lombera, R Sala, B Deniaux
Comptes Rendus Palevol 7 (7), 441-451, 2008
The dawn of the Middle Paleolithic in Atapuerca: the lithic assemblage of TD10. 1 from Gran Dolina
A de Lombera-Hermida, XP Rodríguez-Álvarez, M Mosquera, A Ollé, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 145, 102812, 2020
Spain and Portugal: long chisels and perforated axes. Their context and distribution
R Fábregas Valcarce, A de Lombera Hermida, C Rodríguez Rellán
Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté et Centre de Recherche Archéologique …, 2012
La gestion du quartz au Pléistocène moyen et supérieur. Trois exemples d’Europe Méridionale
A de Lombera-Hermida, XP Rodríguez, R Fábregas, MH Moncel
L'anthropologie 115 (2), 294-331, 2011
Forest resource management during Roman and Medieval cave occupations in the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula: Cova do Xato and Cova Eirós (Galicia, Spain)
AM Teira Brión, M Martín Seijo, AJ Lombera Hermida, ...
Saguntum: Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia-Extra 13, 159-166, 2012
Novos achados paleolíticos no interior de Galicia: A depresión de Monforte de Lemos e as súas industrias líticas
RF Valcarce, TL Fernández, AJ de Lombera Hermida, JAP Alonso, ...
Gallaecia: revista de arqueoloxía e antigüidade, 7-30, 2007
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