Frederik-Jan van Schooten
Frederik-Jan van Schooten
Professor of Genetic Toxicology, Maastricht University
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Telomere length assessment: biomarker of chronic oxidative stress?
JMJ Houben, HJJ Moonen, FJ van Schooten, GJ Hageman
Free radical biology and medicine 44 (3), 235-246, 2008
A European Respiratory Society technical standard: exhaled biomarkers in lung disease
I Horváth, PJ Barnes, S Loukides, PJ Sterk, M Högman, AC Olin, A Amann, ...
European Respiratory Journal 49 (4), 2017
The versatile use of exhaled volatile organic compounds in human health and disease
AW Boots, JJBN van Berkel, JW Dallinga, A Smolinska, EF Wouters, ...
Journal of breath research 6 (2), 027108, 2012
Germ-line mutations, DNA damage, and global hypermethylation in mice exposed to particulate air pollution in an urban/industrial location
C Yauk, A Polyzos, A Rowan-Carroll, CM Somers, RW Godschalk, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (2), 605-610, 2008
Assessing the carcinogenic potential of low-dose exposures to chemical mixtures in the environment: the challenge ahead
WH Goodson III, L Lowe, DO Carpenter, M Gilbertson, A Manaf Ali, ...
Carcinogenesis 36 (Suppl_1), S254-S296, 2015
Genotoxic effects of neutrophils and hypochlorous acid
N Güngör, AM Knaapen, A Munnia, M Peluso, GR Haenen, RK Chiu, ...
Mutagenesis 25 (2), 149-154, 2010
Causes of genome instability: the effect of low dose chemical exposures in modern society
SAS Langie, G Koppen, D Desaulniers, F Al-Mulla, R Al-Temaimi, ...
Carcinogenesis 36 (Suppl_1), S61-S88, 2015
Neutrophils and respiratory tract DNA damage and mutagenesis: a review
AM Knaapen, N Güngör, RPF Schins, PJA Borm, FJ Van Schooten
Mutagenesis 21 (4), 225-236, 2006
Quantified relations between exposure to tobacco smoking and bladder cancer risk: a meta-analysis of 89 observational studies
FHM van Osch, SHJ Jochems, FJ van Schooten, RT Bryan, MP Zeegers
International journal of epidemiology 45 (3), 857-870, 2016
A profile of volatile organic compounds in breath discriminates COPD patients from controls
J Van Berkel, JW Dallinga, GM Möller, RWL Godschalk, EJ Moonen, ...
Respiratory medicine 104 (4), 557-563, 2010
Current breathomics—a review on data pre-processing techniques and machine learning in metabolomics breath analysis
A Smolinska, AC Hauschild, RRR Fijten, JW Dallinga, J Baumbach, ...
Journal of breath research 8 (2), 027105, 2014
Volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath as a diagnostic tool for asthma in children
JW Dallinga, C Robroeks, J Van Berkel, EJC Moonen, RWL Godschalk, ...
Clinical & Experimental Allergy 40 (1), 68-76, 2010
DNA adducts and chronic degenerative diseases. Pathogenetic relevance and implications in preventive medicine
S De Flora, A Izzotti, K Randerath, E Randerath, H Bartsch, J Nair, ...
Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic Toxicology 366 (3), 197-238, 1996
Metabolomics of volatile organic compounds in cystic fibrosis patients and controls
CM Robroeks, JJBN Van Berkel, JW Dallinga, Q Jöbsis, LJI Zimmermann, ...
Pediatric Research 68 (1), 75-80, 2010
Measuring DNA modifications with the comet assay: a compendium of protocols
A Collins, P Møller, G Gajski, S Vodenková, A Abdulwahed, D Anderson, ...
Nature protocols 18 (3), 929-989, 2023
Exhaled molecular fingerprinting in diagnosis and monitoring: validating volatile promises
AW Boots, LD Bos, MP van der Schee, FJ van Schooten, PJ Sterk
Trends in molecular medicine 21 (10), 633-644, 2015
Putative susceptibility markers of coronary artery disease: association between VDR genotype, smoking, and aromatic DNA adduct levels in human right atrial tissue
FJ Van Schooten, A Hirvonen, LM Maas, B Mol, JCS Kleinjans, DA Bell, ...
The FASEB Journal 12, 1409-1417, 1998
Effects of Oral Administration of N-Acetyl-l-cysteine: A Multi-Biomarker Study in Smokers
FJ Van Schooten, A Besarati Nia, S De Flora, F D’Agostini, A Izzotti, ...
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 11 (2), 167-175, 2002
Profiling of volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath as a strategy to find early predictive signatures of asthma in children
A Smolinska, EMM Klaassen, JW Dallinga, KDG Van De Kant, Q Jobsis, ...
PloS one 9 (4), e95668, 2014
Analysis of volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath to diagnose ventilator-associated pneumonia
R Schnabel, R Fijten, A Smolinska, J Dallinga, ML Boumans, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17179, 2015
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