Sarie Van Belle
Sarie Van Belle
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
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Population of the black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) in a fragmented landscape in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico
A Estrada, A Mendoza, L Castellanos, R Pacheco, S Van Belle, Y García, ...
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2002
Sexual behavior across ovarian cycles in wild black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra): male mate guarding and female mate choice
S Van Belle, A Estrada, TE Ziegler, KB Strier
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2009
Survey of black howler (Alouatta pigra) and spider (Ateles geoffroyi) monkeys in the Mayan sites of Calakmul and Yaxchilán, Mexico and Tikal, Guatemala
A Estrada, L Luecke, S Van Belle, E Barrueta, MR Meda
Primates 45 (1), 33-39, 2004
Patterns in gut microbiota similarity associated with degree of sociality among sex classes of a neotropical primate
KR Amato, S Van Belle, A Di Fiore, A Estrada, R Stumpf, B White, ...
Microbial Ecology 74, 250-258, 2017
Demographic features of Alouatta pigra populations in extensive and fragmented forests
S Van Belle, A Estrada
New perspectives in the study of Mesoamerican primates, 121-142, 2006
The evolution of pair‐living, sexual monogamy, and cooperative infant care: Insights from research on wild owl monkeys, titis, sakis, and tamarins
E Fernandez‐Duque, M Huck, S Van Belle, A Di Fiore
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 171, 118-173, 2020
Social Relationships Among Male Alouatta pigra
S Van Belle, A Estrada, KB Strier
International Journal of Primatology 29, 1481-1498, 2008
Social and hormonal mechanisms underlying male reproductive strategies in black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra)
S Van Belle, A Estrada, TE Ziegler, KB Strier
Hormones and behavior 56 (4), 355-363, 2009
Group size and composition influence male and female reproductive success in black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra)
S Van Belle, A Estrada
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2008
Demography and life history of wild red titi monkeys (Callicebus discolor) and equatorial sakis (Pithecia aequatorialis) in Amazonian Ecuador: A 12‐year study
S Van Belle, E Fernandez‐Duque, A Di Fiore
American journal of primatology 78 (2), 204-215, 2016
Collective group movement and leadership in wild black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra)
S Van Belle, A Estrada, PA Garber
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 31-41, 2013
Genetic structure and kinship patterns in a population of black howler monkeys, Alouatta pigra, at Palenque National Park, Mexico
S Van Belle, A Estrada, KB Strier, A Di Fiore
American Journal of Primatology 74, 948-957, 2012
Individual participation in intergroup contests is mediated by numerical assessment strategies in black howler and tufted capuchin monkeys
S Van Belle, CJ Scarry
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Observed infanticides following a male immigration event in black howler monkeys, Alouatta pigra, at Palenque National Park, Mexico
S Van Belle, AE Kulp, R Thiessen-Bock, M Garcia, A Estrada
Primates 51, 279-284, 2010
Insights into reproductive strategies and sexual selection in howler monkeys
S Van Belle, JC Bicca-Marques
Howler monkeys: Behavior, ecology, and conservation, 57-84, 2014
Spatial and Diurnal Distribution of Loud Calling in Black Howlers (Alouatta pigra)
S Van Belle, A Estrada, PA Garber
International Journal of Primatology 34, 1209-1224, 2013
Maternal care and reproductive state-dependent mobility determine natal dispersal in a wolf spider
D Bonte, S Van Belle, JP Maelfait
Animal Behaviour 74 (1), 63-69, 2007
Social and genetic factors mediating male participation in collective group defence in black howler monkeys
S Van Belle, PA Garber, A Estrada, A Di Fiore
Animal Behaviour 98, 7-17, 2014
The function of loud calls in black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra): Food, mate, or infant defense?
S Van Belle, A Estrada, PA Garber
American Journal of Primatology 76 (12), 1196-1206, 2014
The reproductive ecology of South American primates: ecological adaptations in ovulation and conception
TE Ziegler, KB Strier, S Van Belle
South American Primates, 191-210, 2009
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