Ning Li
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Zitiert von
Incompact3d: A powerful tool to tackle turbulence problems with up to O(105) computational cores
S Laizet, N Li
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 67 (11), 1735-1757, 2011
2decomp & fft-a highly scalable 2d decomposition library and fft interface
N Li, S Laizet
Cray user group 2010 conference, 1-13, 2010
Inflow conditions for large-eddy simulations of mixing layers
N Li, E Balaras, U Piomelli
Physics of Fluids 12 (4), 935-938, 2000
Modelling bypass transition with low-Reynolds-number nonlinear eddy-viscosity closure
S Lardeau, MA Leschziner, N Li
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 73, 49-76, 2004
Large-eddy simulation of separated flow over a three-dimensional axisymmetric hill
M Garcia-Villalba, N Li, W Rodi, MA Leschziner
Journal of fluid Mechanics 627, 55-96, 2009
Large eddy simulation of transitional boundary layers at high free-stream turbulence intensity and implications for RANS modeling
S Lardeau, N Li, MA Leschziner
Large-eddy simulation of three-dimensional flow around a hill-shaped obstruction with a zonal near-wall approximation
F Tessicini, N Li, MA Leschziner
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 28 (5), 894-908, 2007
Passive scalar transport in a turbulent mixing layer
N Li, E Balaras, JM Wallace
Flow, turbulence and combustion 85, 1-24, 2010
Cray User Group 2010 conference
N Li, S Laizet
Edinburgh: Scotland, 1-13, 2010
Large-eddy simulation of separated flow over a swept wing with approximate near-wall modelling
N Li, MA Leschziner
The Aeronautical Journal 111 (1125), 689-697, 2007
Parallel spectral numerical methods
G Chen, B Cloutier, N Li, B Muite, P Rigge
Open. Michigan, 2012
Solving the Klein-Gordon equation using Fourier spectral methods: A benchmark test for computer performance
S Aseeri, O Batrašev, M Icardi, B Leu, A Liu, N Li, BK Muite, E Müller, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.04552, 2015
Zonal LES/RANS modelling of separated flow around a three-dimensional hill
F Tessicini, N Li, MA Leschziner
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VI, 695-702, 2006
LES of transitional boundary layer at high free-stream turbulence intensity, and implications for RANS modelling
S Lardeau, N Li, MA Leschziner
Fourth international symposium on turbulence and shear flow phenomena, 2005
Highly-resolved Simulation of Flow Over a Three-dimensional Hill
N Li, MA Leschziner
Advances in Turbulence XI: Proceedings of the 11th EUROMECH European …, 2008
Simulation of turbulent flow around two cylinders in tandem
GM Fishpool, N Li, MA Leschziner
Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 2007
Large-eddy simulation of flow over a swept wing with approximate near-wall modeling
N Li, MA Leschziner
The AeronauticalJoumal (inpress), 2007
Simulation of three-dimensional separation with a zonal near-wall approximation
F Tessicini, N Li, MA Leschziner
Proc. ECCOMAS CFD 2006, 2006
Testing and implementing some new algorithms using the FFTW library on massively parallel supercomputers
M Guarrasi, N Li, S Frigio, A Emerson, G Erbacci
Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE …, 2014
A study of scalability performance for hybrid mode computation and asynchronous MPI transpose operation in DSTAR
L Anton, NAG Ning Li, KH Luo
Cray User Group 2011 conference, 2011
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