Anjul Patney
Anjul Patney
NVIDIA Research
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Towards foveated rendering for gaze-tracked virtual reality
A Patney, M Salvi, J Kim, A Kaplanyan, C Wyman, N Benty, D Luebke, ...
ACM Transactions On Graphics (TOG) 35 (6), 1-12, 2016
Towards virtual reality infinite walking: dynamic saccadic redirection
Q Sun, A Patney, LY Wei, O Shapira, J Lu, P Asente, S Zhu, M McGuire, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 37 (4), 1-13, 2018
Latency requirements for foveated rendering in virtual reality
R Albert, A Patney, D Luebke, J Kim
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 14 (4), 1-13, 2017
Spatiotemporal variance-guided filtering: real-time reconstruction for path-traced global illumination
C Schied, A Kaplanyan, C Wyman, A Patney, CRA Chaitanya, J Burgess, ...
Proceedings of High Performance Graphics, 1-12, 2017
Task management for irregular-parallel workloads on the GPU
S Tzeng, A Patney, JD Owens
Efficient computation of sum-products on GPUs through software-managed cache
M Silberstein, A Schuster, D Geiger, A Patney, JD Owens
Proceedings of the 22nd annual international conference on Supercomputing …, 2008
Perceptually-based foveated virtual reality
A Patney, J Kim, M Salvi, A Kaplanyan, C Wyman, N Benty, A Lefohn, ...
ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 emerging technologies, 1-2, 2016
System, method, and computer program product for performing object-space shading
A Patney, EB Enderton, EB Lum, M Salvi, CR Wyman, Y Zhang, Y He, ...
US Patent 9,747,718, 2017
Fovvideovdp: A visible difference predictor for wide field-of-view video
RK Mantiuk, G Denes, A Chapiro, A Kaplanyan, G Rufo, R Bachy, T Lian, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 40 (4), 1-19, 2021
Efficient Maximal Poisson-Disk Sampling
MS Ebeida, A Patney, SA Mitchell, AA Davidson, PM Knupp, JD Owens
System, method, and computer program product for shading using a dynamic object-space grid
A Patney, EB Enderton, EB Lum, M Salvi, CR Wyman, Y Zhang, Y He, ...
US Patent 9,754,407, 2017
A simple algorithm for maximal Poisson‐disk sampling in high dimensions
MS Ebeida, SA Mitchell, A Patney, AA Davidson, JD Owens
Computer Graphics Forum 31 (2pt4), 785-794, 2012
Perceptually-based foveated rendering using a contrast-enhancing filter
A Patney, M Salvi, J Kim, AS Kaplanyan, CR Wyman, N Benty, DP Luebke, ...
US Patent 10,438,400, 2019
Semi-supervised stylegan for disentanglement learning
W Nie, T Karras, A Garg, S Debnath, A Patney, A Patel, A Anandkumar
International Conference on Machine Learning, 7360-7369, 2020
Neural temporal adaptive sampling and denoising
J Hasselgren, J Munkberg, M Salvi, A Patney, A Lefohn
Computer Graphics Forum 39 (2), 147-155, 2020
Real-time Reyes-style adaptive surface subdivision
A Patney, JD Owens
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 papers, 1-8, 2008
Parallel view-dependent tessellation of Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces
A Patney, MS Ebeida, JD Owens
Proceedings of the conference on high performance graphics 2009, 99-108, 2009
Efficient and good Delaunay meshes from random points
MS Ebeida, SA Mitchell, AA Davidson, A Patney, PM Knupp, JD Owens
Computer-Aided Design 43 (11), 1506-1515, 2011
Temporally stable data reconstruction with an external recurrent neural network
M Salvi, A Patney, AE Lefohn, DL Brittain
US Patent App. 16/041,502, 2019
Isotropic conforming refinement of quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes using two‐refinement templates
MS Ebeida, A Patney, JD Owens, E Mestreau
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2011
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