Meisam Amani
Meisam Amani
NRCan, Ottawa, Canada
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Google earth engine cloud computing platform for remote sensing big data applications: A comprehensive review
M Amani, A Ghorbanian, SA Ahmadi, M Kakooei, A Moghimi, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2020
Remote sensing for wetland classification: A comprehensive review
S Mahdavi, B Salehi, J Granger, M Amani, B Brisco, W Huang
GIScience & remote sensing 55 (5), 623-658, 2018
Improved land cover map of Iran using Sentinel imagery within Google Earth Engine and a novel automatic workflow for land cover classification using migrated training samples
A Ghorbanian, M Kakooei, M Amani, S Mahdavi, A Mohammadzadeh, ...
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 167, 276-288, 2020
Canadian wetland inventory using Google Earth Engine: The first map and preliminary results
M Amani, S Mahdavi, M Afshar, B Brisco, W Huang, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (7), 842, 2019
Temperature-vegetation-soil moisture dryness index (TVMDI)
M Amani, B Salehi, S Mahdavi, A Masjedi, S Dehnavi
Remote sensing of environment 197, 1-14, 2017
Mangrove ecosystem mapping using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite images and random forest algorithm in Google Earth Engine
A Ghorbanian, S Zaghian, RM Asiyabi, M Amani, A Mohammadzadeh, ...
Remote sensing 13 (13), 2565, 2021
Spectral analysis of wetlands using multi-source optical satellite imagery
M Amani, B Salehi, S Mahdavi, B Brisco
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 144, 119-136, 2018
Wildfire damage assessment over Australia using sentinel-2 imagery and MODIS land cover product within the google earth engine cloud platform
ST Seydi, M Akhoondzadeh, M Amani, S Mahdavi
Remote Sensing 13 (2), 220, 2021
A new end-to-end multi-dimensional CNN framework for land cover/land use change detection in multi-source remote sensing datasets
ST Seydi, M Hasanlou, M Amani
Remote Sensing 12 (12), 2010, 2020
Wetland classification in Newfoundland and Labrador using multi-source SAR and optical data integration
M Amani, B Salehi, S Mahdavi, J Granger, B Brisco
GIScience & Remote Sensing 54 (6), 779-796, 2017
Wetland classification using multi-source and multi-temporal optical remote sensing data in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
M Amani, B Salehi, S Mahdavi, JE Granger, B Brisco, A Hanson
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 43 (4), 360-373, 2017
Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis of coherency matrix for wetland classification using PolSAR imagery
M Mahdianpari, B Salehi, F Mohammadimanesh, B Brisco, S Mahdavi, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 206, 300-317, 2018
Two new soil moisture indices based on the NIR-red triangle space of Landsat-8 data
M Amani, S Parsian, SM MirMazloumi, O Aieneh
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 50 …, 2016
Application of google earth engine cloud computing platform, sentinel imagery, and neural networks for crop mapping in Canada
M Amani, M Kakooei, A Moghimi, A Ghorbanian, B Ranjgar, S Mahdavi, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (21), 3561, 2020
A generalized supervised classification scheme to produce provincial wetland inventory maps: An application of Google Earth Engine for big geo data processing
M Amani, B Brisco, M Afshar, SM Mirmazloumi, S Mahdavi, SMJ Mirzadeh, ...
Big Earth Data 3 (4), 378-394, 2019
Flood hazard mapping using fuzzy logic, analytical hierarchy process, and multi-source geospatial datasets
S Parsian, M Amani, A Moghimi, A Ghorbanian, S Mahdavi
Remote Sensing 13 (23), 4761, 2021
Flood susceptibility mapping using multi-temporal SAR imagery and novel integration of nature-inspired algorithms into support vector regression
S Mehravar, SV Razavi-Termeh, A Moghimi, B Ranjgar, F Foroughnia, ...
Journal of Hydrology 617, 129100, 2023
Object-based classification of wetlands in Newfoundland and Labrador using multi-temporal PolSAR data
S Mahdavi, B Salehi, M Amani, JE Granger, B Brisco, W Huang, A Hanson
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 43 (5), 432-450, 2017
Comparison of machine learning algorithms for flood susceptibility mapping
ST Seydi, Y Kanani-Sadat, M Hasanlou, R Sahraei, J Chanussot, ...
Remote Sensing 15 (1), 192, 2022
Estimating daily high-resolution PM2. 5 concentrations over Texas: Machine Learning approach
M Ghahremanloo, Y Choi, A Sayeed, AK Salman, S Pan, M Amani
Atmospheric Environment 247, 118209, 2021
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