Manu Prakash
Manu Prakash
Associate Professor, Stanford University
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Microfluidic bubble logic
M Prakash, N Gershenfeld
Science 315 (5813), 832-835, 2007
Surface tension transport of prey by feeding shorebirds: the capillary ratchet
M Prakash, D Quéré, JWM Bush
science 320 (5878), 931-934, 2008
Foldscope: origami-based paper microscope
JS Cybulski, J Clements, M Prakash
PloS one 9 (6), e98781, 2014
Vapour-mediated sensing and motility in two-component droplets
NJ Cira, A Benusiglio, M Prakash
Nature 519 (7544), 446-450, 2015
Face-selective electrostatic control of hydrothermal zinc oxide nanowire synthesis
J Joo, BY Chow, M Prakash, ES Boyden, JM Jacobson
Nature materials 10 (8), 596-601, 2011
Hand-powered ultralow-cost paper centrifuge
MS Bhamla, B Benson, C Chai, G Katsikis, A Johri, M Prakash
Nature Biomedical Engineering 1 (1), 0009, 2017
The integument of water-walking arthropods: form and function
JWM Bush, DL Hu, M Prakash
Advances in insect physiology 34, 117-192, 2007
The principles of cascading power limits in small, fast biological and engineered systems
M Ilton, MS Bhamla, X Ma, SM Cox, LL Fitchett, Y Kim, J Koh, ...
Science 360 (6387), eaao1082, 2018
The multiscale physics of cilia and flagella
W Gilpin, MS Bull, M Prakash
Nature Reviews Physics 2 (2), 74-88, 2020
Using mobile phones as acoustic sensors for high-throughput mosquito surveillance
H Mukundarajan, FJH Hol, EA Castillo, C Newby, M Prakash
elife 6, e27854, 2017
Synchronous universal droplet logic and control
G Katsikis, JS Cybulski, M Prakash
Nature Physics 11 (7), 588-596, 2015
Ultrafast epithelial contractions provide insights into contraction speed limits and tissue integrity
S Armon, MS Bull, A Aranda-Diaz, M Prakash
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (44), E10333-E10341, 2018
Water-walking devices
DL Hu, M Prakash, B Chan, JWM Bush
Animal Locomotion, 131-140, 2010
Vortex arrays and ciliary tangles underlie the feeding–swimming trade-off in starfish larvae
W Gilpin, VN Prakash, M Prakash
Nature Physics 13 (4), 380-386, 2017
Diagnosis of Schistosoma haematobium infection with a mobile phone-mounted Foldscope and a reversed-lens CellScope in Ghana
RKD Ephraim, E Duah, JS Cybulski, M Prakash, MV D'Ambrosio, ...
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 92 (6), 1253, 2015
Drop propulsion in tapered tubes
P Renvoisé, JWM Bush, M Prakash, D Quéré
Europhysics letters 86 (6), 64003, 2009
Multi-scale spatial heterogeneity enhances particle clearance in airway ciliary arrays
GR Ramirez-San Juan, AJTM Mathijssen, M He, L Jan, W Marshall, ...
Nature physics 16 (9), 958-964, 2020
Sensory discrimination of blood and floral nectar by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
V Jové, Z Gong, FJH Hol, Z Zhao, TR Sorrells, TS Carroll, M Prakash, ...
Neuron 108 (6), 1163-1180. e12, 2020
Collective intercellular communication through ultra-fast hydrodynamic trigger waves
AJTM Mathijssen, J Culver, MS Bhamla, M Prakash
Nature 571 (7766), 560-564, 2019
Mapping load-bearing in the mammalian spindle reveals local kinetochore fiber anchorage that provides mechanical isolation and redundancy
MW Elting, M Prakash, DB Udy, S Dumont
Current Biology 27 (14), 2112-2122. e5, 2017
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