Mark Genung
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Welcome to the neighbourhood: interspecific genotype by genotype interactions in Solidago influence above‐ and belowground biomass and associated …
MA Genung, JK Bailey, JA Schweitzer
Ecology Letters 15 (1), 65-73, 2012
Non-additive effects of genotypic diversity increase floral abundance and abundance of floral visitors
MA Genung, JP Lessard, CB Brown, WA Bunn, MA Cregger, ...
PLoS One 5 (1), e8711, 2010
Genetic variation and community change–selection, evolution, and feedbacks
MA Genung, JA Schweitzer, F Ubeda, BM Fitzpatrick, CC Pregitzer, ...
Functional Ecology 25 (2), 408-419, 2011
Indirect genetic effects: an evolutionary mechanism linking feedbacks, genotypic diversity and coadaptation in a climate change context
JK Bailey, MA Genung, I Ware, C Gorman, ME Van Nuland, H Long, ...
Functional Ecology, 87-95, 2014
The relative importance of pollinator abundance and species richness for the temporal variance of pollination services
MA Genung, J Fox, NM Williams, C Kremen, J Ascher, J Gibbs, R Winfree
Ecology 98 (7), 1807-1816, 2017
Species loss drives ecosystem function in experiments, but in nature the importance of species loss depends on dominance
MA Genung, J Fox, R Winfree
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (9), 1531-1541, 2020
Equivalence in the strength of deer herbivory on above and below ground communities
JP Lessard, WN Reynolds, WA Bunn, MA Genung, MA Cregger, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 13 (1), 59-66, 2012
Measuring partner choice in plant–pollinator networks: using null models to separate rewiring and fidelity from chance
M MacLeod, MA Genung, JS Ascher, R Winfree
Ecology 97 (11), 2925-2931, 2016
Many bee species, including rare species, are important for function of entire plant–pollinator networks
DT Simpson, LR Weinman, MA Genung, M Roswell, M MacLeod, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1972), 20212689, 2022
Plant genotype, nutrients, and G× E interactions structure floral visitor communities
LA Burkle, L Souza, MA Genung, GM Crutsinger
Ecosphere 4 (9), 1-20, 2013
The afterlife of interspecific indirect genetic effects: genotype interactions alter litter quality with consequences for decomposition and nutrient dynamics
MA Genung, JK Bailey, JA Schweitzer
PLoS One 8 (1), e53718, 2013
Rare and declining bee species are key to consistent pollination of wildflowers and crops across large spatial scales
MA Genung, NM Williams, J Reilly, A Buderi, J Gardner, R Winfree
Ecology 104 (2), e3899, 2023
Aphid and ladybird beetle abundance depend on the interaction of spatial effects and genotypic diversity
MA Genung, GM Crutsinger, JK Bailey, JA Schweitzer, NJ Sanders
Oecologia 168, 167-174, 2012
How much do rare and crop‐pollinating bees overlap in identity and flower preferences?
M MacLeod, J Reilly, DP Cariveau, MA Genung, M Roswell, J Gibbs, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (2), 413-423, 2020
Plant genotypic variation and intraspecific diversity trump soil nutrient availability to shape old‐field structure and function
L Souza, KL Stuble, MA Genung, AT Classen
Functional Ecology 31 (4), 965-974, 2017
In situ imaging across ecosystems to resolve the fine‐scale oceanographic drivers of a globally significant planktonic grazer
AT Greer, MS Schmid, PI Duffy, KL Robinson, MA Genung, JY Luo, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 68 (1), 192-207, 2023
Belowground interactions shift the relative importance of direct and indirect genetic effects
MA Genung, JK Bailey, JA Schweitzer
Ecology and Evolution 3 (6), 1692-1701, 2013
Evolutionary history determines how plant productivity responds to phylogenetic diversity and species richness
MA Genung, JA Schweitzer, JK Bailey
PeerJ 2, e288, 2014
Species identity influences belowground arthropod assemblages via functional traits
CE Gorman, QD Read, ME Van Nuland, JAM Bryant, JN Welch, ...
AoB Plants 5, plt049, 2013
New frontiers in community and ecosystem genetics for theory, conservation, and management
JK Bailey, MA Genung, J O'Reilly-Wapstra, B Potts, J Rowntree, ...
New Phytologist 193 (1), 24-26, 2012
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