Jacob D Hennig
Jacob D Hennig
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Science framework for conservation and restoration of the sagebrush biome: Linking the Department of the Interior's Integrated Rangeland Fire Management Strategy to long-term …
JC Chambers, JL Beck, JB Bradford, J Bybee, S Campbell, J Carlson, ...
USGS Report, 10, 2017
Body size and digestive system shape resource selection by ungulates: A cross‐taxa test of the forage maturation hypothesis
S Esmaeili, BR Jesmer, SE Albeke, EO Aikens, KA Schoenecker, ...
Ecology Letters 24 (10), 2178-2191, 2021
Spatial ecology observations from feral horses equipped with global positioning system transmitters
JD Hennig, JL Beck, JD Scasta
Human-Wildlife Interactions 12 (1), 75-84, 2018
Temporal overlap among feral horses, cattle, and native ungulates at water sources
JD Hennig, JL Beck, CJ Gray, JD Scasta
The Journal of Wildlife Management 85 (6), 1084-1090, 2021
Variation in sage-grouse habitat quality metrics across a gradient of feral horse use
JD Hennig, JL Beck, CJ Duchardt, JD Scasta
Journal of Arid Environments 192, 104550, 2021
Causes and consequences of lags in basic and applied research into feral wildlife ecology: the case for feral horses
PN Boyce, JD Hennig, RK Brook, PD McLoughlin
Basic and Applied Ecology 53, 154-163, 2021
Understanding biological effectiveness before scaling up range‐wide restoration investments for Gunnison sage‐grouse
KE Doherty, JD Hennig, JB Dinkins, KA Griffin, AA Cook, JD Maestas, ...
Ecosphere 9 (3), e02144, 2018
Disease and weather induce rapid shifts in a rangeland ecosystem mediated by a keystone species (Cynomys ludovicianus)
CJ Duchardt, DJ Augustine, LM Porensky, JL Beck, JD Hennig, ...
Ecological Applications 33 (1), e2712, 2023
An aerial grid‐based sampling method to estimate nonbreeding duck abundance
JD Hennig, TJ Benson, JD Stafford, AP Yetter, HM Hagy, KW Stodola
Wildlife Society Bulletin 41 (4), 678-684, 2017
Systematic review of equids and telemetry collars: implications for deployment and reporting
JD Hennig, JD Scasta, JL Beck, KA Schoenecker, SRB King
Wildlife Research 47 (5), 361-371, 2020
Accounting for residual heterogeneity in double‐observer sightability models decreases bias in burro abundance estimates
JD Hennig, KA Schoenecker, JW Cain III, GW Roemer, JL Laake
The Journal of Wildlife Management 86 (5), e22239, 2022
A crossroads in the rearview mirror: the state of United States feral equid management in 2023
JD Hennig, CJ Duchardt, S Esmaeili, SD Fuhlendorf, JL Beck, ...
BioScience 73 (6), 404-407, 2023
Habitat selection and space use overlap between feral horses, pronghorn, and greater sage‐grouse in cold arid steppe
JD Hennig, JD Scasta, AC Pratt, CP Wanner, JL Beck
The Journal of Wildlife Management 87 (1), e22329, 2023
Distribution of Salers cows in contrasting rangeland pastures relative to established slope and water guidelines
JD Hennig, W Rigsby, B Stam, JD Scasta
Livestock Science 257, 104843, 2022
Comparison of Aerial Thermal Infrared Imagery and Helicopter Surveys of Bison (Bison bison) in Grand Canyon National Park, USA
JD Hennig, KA Schoenecker, MLN Terwilliger, GW Holm, JL Laake
Sensors 21 (15), 5087, 2021
Comparing methods to estimate feral burro abundance
JD Hennig, KA Schoenecker
Wildlife Society Bulletin 47 (4), e1495, 2023
Feral equids
SL Petersen, JD Scasta, KA Schoenecker, JD Hennig
Rangeland Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, 735-757, 2023
Feral horse cause-specific mortality relative to mustering (gathering) and individual demographic attributes in the USA
JD Scasta, JD Hennig, CM Calkins
Wildlife Research 48 (8), 673-689, 2021
Effects of telemetry collars on two free-roaming feral equid species
KA Schoenecker, SRB King, JD Hennig, MJ Cole, JD Scasta, JL Beck
Plos one 19 (5), e0303312, 2024
Feral horses and pronghorn: a test of the forage maturation hypothesis in an arid shrubland
JD Hennig, JL Beck, JD Scasta
Animal Behaviour 210, 55-61, 2024
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