Reda R Mankbadi
Reda R Mankbadi
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Structure of supersonic jet flow and its radiated sound
RR Mankbadi, ME Hayer, LA Povinelli
AIAA journal 32 (5), 897-906, 1994
Use of linearized Euler equations for supersonic jet noise prediction
RR Mankbadi, R Hixon, SH Shih, LA Povinelli
AIAA journal 36 (2), 140-147, 1998
Sound generated aerodynamically revisited: large-scale structures in a turbulent jet as a source of sound
R Mankbadi, JTC Liu
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1984
Prediction of the far-field jet noise using Kirchhoff's formulation
AS Lyrintzis, RR Mankbadi
AIAA journal 34 (2), 413-416, 1996
Dynamics and control of coherent structure in turbulent jets
RR Mankbadi
Applied Mechanics Reviews 45 (6), 219-248, 1992
A study of the interactions between large-scale coherent structures and fine-grained turbulence in a round jet
R Mankbadi, JTC Liu
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1981
On the interaction between fundamental and subharmonic instability waves in a turbulent round jet
RR Mankbadi
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 160, 385-419, 1985
Review of computational aeroacoustics algorithms
KA Kurbatskii, RR Mankbadi
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 18 (6), 533-546, 2004
Application of a nonlinear computational aeroacoustics code to the gust-airfoil problem
R Hixon, V Golubev, RR Mankbadi, JR Scott, S Sawyer, M Nallasamy
AIAA journal 44 (2), 323-328, 2006
A critical-layer analysis of the resonant triad in boundary-layer transition: nonlinear interactions
RR Mankbadi, X Wu, SS Lee
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 256, 85-106, 1993
Transition, turbulence, and noise: theory and applications for scientists and engineers
RR Mankbadi
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Review of recent advances in the study of unsteady turbulent internal flows
GJ Brereton, RR Mankbadi
Near-wall response in turbulent shear flows subjected to imposed unsteadiness
RR Mankbadi, JTC Liu
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 238, 55-71, 1992
High-fidelity simulations of noise generation in a propeller-driven unmanned aerial vehicle
RR Mankbadi, SO Afari, VV Golubev
AIAA Journal 59 (3), 1020-1039, 2021
Evaluation of boundary conditions for the gust-cascade problem
R Hixon, SH Shih, RR Mankbadi
Journal of Propulsion and Power 16 (1), 72-78, 2000
Direct computation of jet noise produced by large-scale axisymmetric structures
RR Mankbadi, SH Shih, R Hixon, LA Povinelli
Journal of Propulsion and Power 16 (2), 207-215, 2000
Zonal approach for prediction of jet noise
SH Shih, DR Hixon, RR Mankbadi
Journal of propulsion and power 13 (6), 745-752, 1997
Small-scale solar pumping: the technology
RR Mankbadi, SS Ayad
Energy conversion and management 28 (2), 171-184, 1988
Jet noise in airframe integration and shielding
S Salehian, R Mankbadi
Applied Sciences 10 (2), 511, 2020
On flow-acoustic resonant interactions in transitional airfoils
VV Golubev, L Nguyen, RR Mankbadi, M Roger, MR Visbal
International Journal of Aeroacoustics 13 (1-2), 1-38, 2014
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