Jelle R. Dalenberg
Jelle R. Dalenberg
Dep. Pathology and Medical Biology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen
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Evoked emotions predict food choice
JR Dalenberg, S Gutjar, GJ Ter Horst, K de Graaf, RJ Renken, G Jager
PloS one 9 (12), e115388, 2014
What reported food-evoked emotions may add: A model to predict consumer food choice
S Gutjar, JR Dalenberg, C de Graaf, RA de Wijk, A Palascha, RJ Renken, ...
Food Quality and Preference 45, 140-148, 2015
Short-term consumption of sucralose with, but not without, carbohydrate impairs neural and metabolic sensitivity to sugar in humans
JR Dalenberg, BP Patel, R Denis, MG Veldhuizen, Y Nakamura, PC Vinke, ...
Cell Metabolism 31 (3), 493-502. e7, 2020
Pupil dilation co-varies with memory strength of individual traces in a delayed response paired-associate task
H Van Rijn, JR Dalenberg, JP Borst, SA Sprenger
PLoS One 7 (12), e51134, 2012
Functional specialization of the male insula during taste perception
JR Dalenberg, HR Hoogeveen, RJ Renken, DRM Langers, GJ ter Horst
NeuroImage 119, 210-220, 2015
Neural processing of basic tastes in healthy young and older adults—an fMRI study
HR Hoogeveen, JR Dalenberg, RJ Renken, GJ ter Horst, MM Lorist
Neuroimage 119, 1-12, 2015
PET-BIDS, an extension to the brain imaging data structure for positron emission tomography
M Norgaard, GJ Matheson, HD Hansen, A Thomas, G Searle, G Rizzo, ...
Scientific data 9 (1), 65, 2022
To like or not to like: neural substrates of subjective flavor preferences
I Van den Bosch, JR Dalenberg, R Renken, AWB Van Langeveld, ...
Behavioural Brain Research 269, 128-137, 2014
Dealing with consumer differences in liking during repeated exposure to food; typical dynamics in rating behavior
JR Dalenberg, L Nanetti, RJ Renken, RA de Wijk, GJ Ter Horst
PLoS One 9 (3), e93350, 2014
Flavor pleasantness processing in the ventral emotion network
JR Dalenberg, L Weitkamp, RJ Renken, L Nanetti, GJ Ter Horst
PloS one 12 (2), e0170310, 2017
A brief neuropsychological battery for measuring cognitive functions associated with obesity
IB Hovens, JR Dalenberg, DM Small
Obesity 27 (12), 1988-1996, 2019
Valence processing differs across stimulus modalities
JR Dalenberg, L Weitkamp, RJ Renken, GJ Ter Horst
NeuroImage 183, 734-744, 2018
Physiological measurements: EEG and fMRI
JR Dalenberg, HR Hoogeveen, MM Lorist
Methods in Consumer Research, Volume 2, 253-277, 2018
No evidence for an association between obesity and milkshake liking
KM Wall, MC Farruggia, EE Perszyk, A Kanyamibwa, S Fromm, XS Davis, ...
International journal of obesity 44 (8), 1668-1677, 2020
Altered brain connectivity in hyperkinetic movement disorders: A review of resting-state fMRI
RS Marapin, HJ van der Horn, AMM van der Stouwe, JR Dalenberg, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 37, 103302, 2023
Next move in movement disorders (NEMO): developing a computer-aided classification tool for hyperkinetic movement disorders
AMM van der Stouwe, I Tuitert, I Giotis, J Calon, R Gannamani, ...
BMJ open 11 (10), e055068, 2021
A resting-state fMRI pattern of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 and comparison with 18F-FDG PET
HJ van der Horn, SK Meles, JG Kok, VM Vergara, S Qi, VD Calhoun, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 34, 103023, 2022
The chronnectome as a model for Charcot’s ‘dynamic lesion’in functional movement disorders
RS Marapin, AMM van der Stouwe, BM de Jong, JM Gelauff, VM Vergara, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 28, 102381, 2020
Differences in cognitive aging: typology based on a community structure detection approach
E Saliasi, L Geerligs, JR Dalenberg, MM Lorist, NM Maurits
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 7, 35, 2015
Further evidence that habitual consumption of sucralose with, but not without, carbohydrate alters glucose metabolism
JR Dalenberg, R Denis, S Luquet, DM Small
Cell metabolism 33 (2), 227-228, 2021
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