Luciane Alves Maranho
Luciane Alves Maranho
Pós-doutorado, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"
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Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and cocaine in a Brazilian coastal zone
CDS Pereira, LA Maranho, FS Cortez, FH Pusceddu, AR Santos, ...
Science of the Total Environment 548, 148-154, 2016
Bioavailability, oxidative stress, neurotoxicity and genotoxicity of pharmaceuticals bound to marine sediments. The use of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor as bioindicator …
LA Maranho, RM Baena-Nogueras, PA Lara-Martín, TA DelValls, ...
Environmental research 134, 353-365, 2014
Effects of dredging operations on sediment quality: contaminant mobilization in dredged sediments from the Port of Santos, SP, Brazil
RJ Torres, DMS Abessa, FC Santos, LA Maranho, MB Davanso, ...
Journal of soils and sediments 9, 420-432, 2009
Integrated quality assessment of sediments from harbour areas in Santos-São Vicente Estuarine System, Southern Brazil
LM Buruaem, ÍB de Castro, MA Hortellani, S Taniguchi, G Fillmann, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 130, 179-189, 2013
A tiered approach to assess effects of diclofenac on the brown mussel Perna perna: A contribution to characterize the hazard
MK Fontes, PK Gusso-Choueri, LA Maranho, DM de Souza Abessa, ...
Water research 132, 361-370, 2018
Ecotoxicological effects of losartan on the brown mussel Perna perna and its occurrence in seawater from Santos Bay (Brazil)
FS Cortez, L da Silva Souza, LL Guimarães, JE Almeida, FH Pusceddu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 637, 1363-1371, 2018
Ecological relevance of sentinels' biomarker responses: a multi-level approach
CDS Pereira, DMS Abessa, RB Choueri, V Almagro-Pastor, A Cesar, ...
Marine Environmental Research 96, 118-126, 2014
Ecological risk evaluation of sediment metals in a tropical Euthrophic Bay, Guanabara Bay, Southeast Atlantic
IM Abreu, RC Cordeiro, A Soares-Gomes, DMS Abessa, LA Maranho, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 109 (1), 435-445, 2016
Effects of Microplastics Associated with Triclosan on the Oyster Crassostrea brasiliana: An Integrated Biomarker Approach
CR Nobre, BB Moreno, AV Alves, J de Lima Rosa, H da Rosa Franco, ...
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 79, 101-110, 2020
Toxicological evaluation of sediment samples spiked with human pharmaceutical products: energy status and neuroendocrine effects in marine polychaetes Hediste diversicolor
LA Maranho, C André, TA DelValls, F Gagné, ML Martín-Díaz
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 118, 27-36, 2015
Review on the occurrence and biological effects of illicit drugs in aquatic ecosystems
MK Fontes, LA Maranho, CDS Pereira
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 30998-31034, 2020
Shell alterations in limpets as putative biomarkers for multi-impacted coastal areas
FN Begliomini, DC Maciel, SM de Almeida, DM Abessa, LA Maranho, ...
Environmental Pollution 226, 494-503, 2017
Seasonal monitoring of cocaine and benzoylecgonine in a subtropical coastal zone (Santos Bay, Brazil)
MK Fontes, BG de Campos, FS Cortez, FH Pusceddu, BB Moreno, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 149, 110545, 2019
A Candidate Short-Term Toxicity Test Using Ampelisca brevicornis to Assess Sublethal Responses to Pharmaceuticals Bound to Marine Sediments
LA Maranho, LB Moreira, RM Baena-Nogueras, PA Lara-Martín, ...
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 68, 237-258, 2015
Are WWTPs effluents responsible for acute toxicity? Seasonal variations of sediment quality at the Bay of Cádiz (SW, Spain)
LA Maranho, MC Garrido-Pérez, RM Baena-Nogueras, PA Lara-Martín, ...
Ecotoxicology 24, 368-380, 2015
Detoxification, oxidative stress, and cytogenotoxicity of crack cocaine in the brown mussel Perna perna
A dos Santos Barbosa Ortega, LA Maranho, CR Nobre, BB Moreno, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 27569-27578, 2019
In situ evaluation of wastewater discharges and the bioavailability of contaminants to marine biota
LA Maranho, C André, TA DelValls, F Gagné, ML Martín-Díaz
Science of the Total Environment 538, 876-887, 2015
Marine contamination and cytogenotoxic effects of fluoxetine in the tropical brown mussel Perna perna
FS Cortez, L da Silva Souza, LL Guimarães, FH Pusceddu, LA Maranho, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 141, 366-372, 2019
Exposure to crack cocaine causes adverse effects on marine mussels Perna perna
LA Maranho, MK Fontes, ASS Kamimura, CR Nobre, BB Moreno, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 123 (1-2), 410-414, 2017
Assessing potential risks of wastewater discharges to benthic biota: An integrated approach to biomarker responses in clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) exposed under controlled …
LA Maranho, TA DelValls, ML Martín-Díaz
Marine pollution bulletin 92 (1-2), 11-24, 2015
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