Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Avniel GhumanWeitere Informationen
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F187. Pre-Stimulus Alpha Power and Contralateral Delay Activity During Visual Working Memory in First Episode Schizophrenia
B Coffman, T Murphy, G Haas, C Olson, RY Cho, A Ghuman, D Salisbury
Biological Psychiatry 85 (10), S285-S286, 2019
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Verfügbar: 46
Dynamic encoding of face information in the human fusiform gyrus.
AS Ghuman, NM Brunet, Y Li, RO Konecky, JA Pyles, SA Walls, ...
Nature Communications 5, 5672, 2014
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Early onset of neural synchronization in the contextual associations network
K Kveraga, AS Ghuman, KS Kassam, EA Aminoff, MS Hämäläinen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (8), 3389-3394, 2011
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
The effects of priming on frontal-temporal communication
AS Ghuman, M Bar, IG Dobbins, DM Schnyer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (24), 8405-8409, 2008
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Decoding and disrupting left midfusiform gyrus activity during word reading
EA Hirshorn, Y Li, MJ Ward, RM Richardson, JA Fiez, AS Ghuman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (29), 8162-8167, 2016
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Movement-related dynamics of cortical oscillations in Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor
ED Kondylis, MJ Randazzo, A Alhourani, WJ Lipski, TA Wozny, Y Pandya, ...
Brain 139 (8), 2211-2223, 2016
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Face adaptation without a face
AS Ghuman, JR McDaniel, A Martin
Current Biology 20 (1), 32-36, 2010
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
A wavelet-based method for measuring the oscillatory dynamics of resting-state functional connectivity in MEG
AS Ghuman, JR McDaniel, A Martin
Neuroimage 56 (1), 69-77, 2011
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Cortical neurodynamics of inhibitory control
K Hwang, AS Ghuman, DS Manoach, SR Jones, B Luna
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (29), 9551-9561, 2014
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Altered gesture and speech production in ASD detract from in-person communicative quality
LM Morett, K O’Hearn, B Luna, AS Ghuman
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 46, 998-1012, 2016
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Comparison of group-level, source localized activity for simultaneous functional near-infrared spectroscopy-magnetoencephalography and simultaneous fNIRS-fMRI during parametric …
T Huppert, J Barker, B Schmidt, S Walls, A Ghuman
Neurophotonics 4 (1), 015001-015001, 2017
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Frontal preparatory neural oscillations associated with cognitive control: A developmental study comparing young adults and adolescents
K Hwang, AS Ghuman, DS Manoach, SR Jones, B Luna
NeuroImage 136, 139-148, 2016
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Adolescent development of cortical oscillations: Power, phase, and support of cognitive maturation
S Marek, B Tervo-Clemmens, N Klein, W Foran, AS Ghuman, B Luna
PLoS biology 16 (11), e2004188, 2018
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Whole brain functional connectivity using phase locking measures of resting state magnetoencephalography
BT Schmidt, AS Ghuman, TJ Huppert
Frontiers in neuroscience 8, 141, 2014
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Tracking cognitive processing stages with MEG: A spatio-temporal model of associative recognition in the brain
JP Borst, AS Ghuman, JR Anderson
NeuroImage 141, 416-430, 2016
Mandate: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Dynamic neural representations: an inferential challenge for fMRI
AS Ghuman, A Martin
Trends in cognitive sciences 23 (7), 534-536, 2019
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Non-negative matrix factorization reveals resting-state cortical alpha network abnormalities in the first-episode schizophrenia spectrum
H Phalen, BA Coffman, A Ghuman, E Sejdić, DF Salisbury
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 5 (10), 961-970, 2020
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Posterior fusiform and midfusiform contribute to distinct stages of facial expression processing
Y Li, RM Richardson, AS Ghuman
Cerebral Cortex 29 (7), 3209-3219, 2019
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Intrinsic frequency biases and profiles across human cortex
MS Mellem, S Wohltjen, SJ Gotts, AS Ghuman, A Martin
Journal of neurophysiology 118 (5), 2853-2864, 2017
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
The common time course of memory processes revealed
JR Anderson, JP Borst, JM Fincham, AS Ghuman, C Tenison, Q Zhang
Psychological science 29 (9), 1463-1474, 2018
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
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