Danielle Navarro
Danielle Navarro
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Rational approximations to rational models: alternative algorithms for category learning.
AN Sanborn, TL Griffiths, DJ Navarro
Psychological Review 117 (4), 1144-1167, 2010
Learning statistics with R
D Navarro, 2015
The “Small World of Words” English word association norms for over 12,000 cue words
S De Deyne, DJ Navarro, A Perfors, M Brysbaert, G Storms
Behavior Research Methods 51 (3), 987-1006, 2019
Better explanations of lexical and semantic cognition using networks derived from continued rather than single-word associations
S De Deyne, DJ Navarro, G Storms
Behavior Research Methods 45 (2), 480-498, 2013
Learning statistics with jamovi: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners (Version 0.70)
DJ Navarro, DR Foxcroft
Tillgänglig online: http://learnstatswithjamovi. com https://doi. org/10 …, 2019
Fast and accurate calculations for first-passage times in Wiener diffusion models
DJ Navarro, IG Fuss
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 53 (4), 222-230, 2009
Modeling individual differences using Dirichlet processes
DJ Navarro, TL Griffiths, M Steyvers, MD Lee
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 50 (2), 101-122, 2006
Epistemic trust: Modeling children’s reasoning about others’ knowledge and intent
P Shafto, B Eaves, DJ Navarro, A Perfors
Developmental Science 15 (3), 436-447, 2012
Global model analysis by parameter space partitioning.
MA Pitt, W Kim, DJ Navarro, JI Myung
Psychological Review 113 (1), 57-83, 2006
The case for formal methodology in scientific reform
B Devezer, DJ Navarro, J Vandekerckhove, E Ozge Buzbas
Royal Society open science 8 (3), 200805, 2021
Is preregistration worthwhile?
A Szollosi, D Kellen, DJ Navarro, R Shiffrin, I van Rooij, T Van Zandt, ...
Trends in cognitive sciences 24 (2), 94-95, 2020
Model selection by normalized maximum likelihood
JI Myung, DJ Navarro, MA Pitt
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 50 (2), 167-179, 2006
Bayesian models of cognition revisited: Setting optimality aside and letting data drive psychological theory.
S Tauber, DJ Navarro, A Perfors, M Steyvers
Psychological Review 124 (4), 410, 2017
A more rational model of categorization
A Sanborn, T Griffiths, D Navarro
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2006
Between the devil and the deep blue sea: Tensions between scientific judgement and statistical model selection
DJ Navarro
Computational Brain & Behavior 2 (1), 28-34, 2019
Assessing the distinguishability of models and the informativeness of data
DJ Navarro, MA Pitt, IJ Myung
Cognitive Psychology 49 (1), 47-84, 2004
Unifying rational models of categorization via the hierarchical Dirichlet process
T Griffiths, K Canini, A Sanborn, D Navarro
Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society, 2007
Learning and choosing in an uncertain world: An investigation of the explore-exploit dilemma in static and dynamic environments
DJ Navarro, BR Newell, C Schulze
Cognitive Psychology 85, 43-77, 2016
Large-scale network representations of semantics in the mental lexicon
S De Deyne, YN Kenett, D Anaki, M Faust
Big data in cognitive science, 183-189, 2016
Hypothesis generation, the positive test strategy, and sparse categories
DJ Navarro, A Perfors
Psychological Review 118, 120-134, 2011
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