Rocio Rivadeneyra
Rocio Rivadeneyra
Department of Psychology, Illinois State University
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Contributions of entertainment television to adolescents’ sexual attitudes and expectations: The role of viewing amount versus viewer involvement
LM Ward, R Rivadeneyra
Journal of sex research 36 (3), 237-249, 1999
Patient centeredness in medical encounters requiring an interpreter
R Rivadeneyra, V Elderkin-Thompson, RC Silver, H Waitzkin
The American journal of medicine 108 (6), 470-474, 2000
Distorted reflections: Media exposure and Latino adolescents' conceptions of self
R Rivadeneyra, LM Ward, M Gordon
Media Psychology 9 (2), 261-290, 2007
The association between television-viewing behaviors and adolescent dating role attitudes and behaviors
R Rivadeneyra, MJ Lebo
Journal of adolescence 31 (3), 291-305, 2008
From Ally McBeal to Sábado Gigante: Contributions of television viewing to the gender role attitudes of Latino adolescents
R Rivadeneyra, LM Ward
Journal of Adolescent Research 20 (4), 453-475, 2005
Do you see what I see? Latino adolescents’ perceptions of the images on television
R Rivadeneyra
Journal of adolescent research 21 (4), 393-414, 2006
Gender and race portrayals on Spanish-language television
R Rivadeneyra
Sex Roles 65, 208-222, 2011
A woman's worth: Analyzing the sexual objectification of Black women in music videos.
LM Ward, R Rivadeneyra, K Thomas, K Day, M Epstein
Oxford University Press, 2013
Stereotype threat in African American children: The role of Black identity and stereotype awareness
KH Shelvin, R Rivadeneyra, C Zimmerman
Revue internationale de psychologie sociale 27 (3), 175-204, 2014
Dancing, strutting, and bouncing in cars: The women of BET music videos
LM Ward, R Rivadenyra
annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, 2002
The influence of television on stereotype threat among adolescents of Mexican descent
R Rivadeneyra
University of Michigan, 2001
The impact of televised stereotypes on the state self-esteem of Latino/a emerging adults: The moderating role of ethnic–racial identity
J Shafer, R Rivadeneyra
Emerging Adulthood 10 (2), 335-341, 2022
Darstellungen von Sexualität in den Massenmedien: Ansätze, Theorien und Befunde inhaltsanalytischer Forschung
R Lemke, T Tornow
Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 31 (01), 27-43, 2018
Race, ethnicity, and media preferences: Content and media form
R Rivadeneyra, J Shafer
The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology, 1-6, 2020
A Study of Mexican Immigrant Mothers and Adolescent Daughters in the Heartland:“Mi mamá nada más me dice que me cuide mucho”(My mom just tells me to take care of myself a lot)
K Hartmann, R Rivadeneyra, MI Toro-Morn
Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies 8 (1), 55-76, 2016
Juan in a hundred: The representation of Latinos on network news by Otto Santa Ana
R Rivadeneyra
Latino Studies 12, 642-643, 2014
Homegirls: language and cultural practice among Latina youth gangs
R Rivadeneyra
Culture, Health & Sexuality 11 (2), 213-215, 2009
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