Thaddaeus Buser, PhD
Thaddaeus Buser, PhD
National Marine Fisheries Service
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The tree of life and a new classification of bony fishes
R Betancur-R, RE Broughton, EO Wiley, K Carpenter, JA López, C Li, ...
PLoS currents 5, ecurrents. tol. 53ba26640df0ccaee75bb165c8c26288, 2013
2D or not 2D? Testing the utility of 2D vs. 3D landmark data in geometric morphometrics of the sculpin subfamily Oligocottinae (Pisces; Cottoidea)
TJ Buser, BL Sidlauskas, AP Summers
The Anatomical Record 301 (5), 806-818, 2018
The natural historian's guide to the CT galaxy: step-by-step instructions for preparing and analyzing computed tomographic (CT) data using cross-platform, open access software
TJ Buser, OF Boyd, Á Cortés, CM Donatelli, MA Kolmann, JL Luparell, ...
Integrative Organismal Biology 2 (1), obaa009, 2020
Increasing the impact of vertebrate scientific collections through 3D imaging: The openVertebrate (oVert) Thematic Collections Network
DC Blackburn, DM Boyer, JA Gray, J Winchester, JM Bates, SL Baumgart, ...
BioScience 74 (3), 169-186, 2024
Have niche, will travel. New means of linking diet and ecomorphology reveals niche conservatism in freshwater cottoid fishes
TJ Buser, DL Finnegan, AP Summers, MA Kolmann
Integrative Organismal Biology 1 (1), obz023, 2019
Littorally adaptive? Testing the link between habitat, morphology, and reproduction in the intertidal sculpin subfamily Oligocottinae (Pisces: Cottoidea)
TJ Buser, MD Burns, JA López
PeerJ 5, e3634, 2017
Comparative morphology of shark pectoral fins
SL Hoffmann, TJ Buser, ME Porter
Journal of Morphology 281 (11), 1501-1516, 2020
Untangling the relationship between developmental and evolutionary integration
KM Evans, TJ Buser, O Larouche, MA Kolmann
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 145, 22-27, 2023
Molecular phylogenetics of sculpins of the subfamily Oligocottinae (Cottidae)
TJ Buser, JA López
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 86, 64-74, 2015
Addressing incomplete lineage sorting and paralogy in the inference of uncertain salmonid phylogenetic relationships
MA Campbell, TJ Buser, ME Alfaro, JA López
PeerJ 8, e9389, 2020
Genetic techniques provide evidence of Chinook salmon feeding on walleye pollock offal
TJ Buser, ND Davis, I Jiménez-Hidalgo, L Hauser
N. Pac. Anadr. Fish Comm. Bull 5, 225-229, 2009
Diversification along a benthic to pelagic gradient contributes to fish diversity in the world's largest lake (Lake Baikal, Russia)
CA St. John, TJ Buser, VE Kee, S Kirilchik, B Bogdanov, D Neely, ...
Molecular Ecology 31 (1), 238-251, 2022
Patterns of body shape diversity and evolution in intertidal and subtidal lineages of combtooth blennies (Blenniidae)
JP Egan, TJ Buser, MD Burns, AM Simons, PJ Hundt
Integrative Organismal Biology 3 (1), obab004, 2021
Patterns of phenotypic evolution associated with marine/freshwater transitions in fishes
V de Brito, R Betancur-R, MD Burns, TJ Buser, KW Conway, ...
Integrative and Comparative Biology 62 (2), 406-423, 2022
Teaching ichthyology online with a virtual specimen collection
BL Sidlauskas, MD Burns, TJ Buser, N Harper, M Kindred
Ichthyology & Herpetology 109 (2), 407-423, 2021
Digitizing North America’s Fishes
JL Luparell, AP Summers, TJ Buser
American currents 44 (3), 2019
Freshwater habitats promote rapid rates of phenotypic evolution in sculpin fishes (Perciformes: Cottoidea)
TJ Buser, O Larouche, A Aguilar, MP Neves, MW Sandel, BL Sidlauskas, ...
The American Naturalist 204 (4), 345-360, 2024
Ecology, evolution and conservation of tidepool fishes of the Americas
R Andrades, S González-Murcia, TJ Buser, RM Macieira, JM Andrade, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 33 (4), 1263-1290, 2023
Taurus of the Tidepool? Inferring the Function of Cranial Weapons in Intertidal Sculpins (Pisces: Cottoidea: Oligocottinae)
TJ Buser, VE Kee, RC Terry, AP Summers, BL Sidlauskas
Ichthyology & Herpetology 111 (1), 98-108, 2023
Stags of the sea? Comparisons of territoriality and cranial weapon morphology in the fish subfamily Oligocottinae (Pisces: Cottoidea)
TJ Buser, AP Summers, BL Sidlauskas
Journal of Morphology 280, S92-S92, 2019
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