Grace B. Villamor
Grace B. Villamor
University of Bonn; ZEF; Philippines, Scion
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Payments for environmental services: evolution toward efficient and fair incentives for multifunctional landscapes
M van Noordwijk, B Leimona, R Jindal, GB Villamor, M Vardhan, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 37 (1), 389-420, 2012
Gender differences in land-use decisions: shaping multifunctional landscapes?
GB Villamor, M van Noordwijk, U Djanibekov, ME Chiong-Javier, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 6, 128-133, 2014
Assessing stakeholders' perceptions and values towards social-ecological systems using participatory methods
GB Villamor, I Palomo, CAL Santiago, E Oteros-Rozas, J Hill
Ecological Processes 3, 1-12, 2014
Tree cover transitions and food security in Southeast Asia
M van Noordwijk, V Bizard, P Wangpakapattanawong, HL Tata, ...
Global Food Security 3 (3-4), 200-208, 2014
Biodiversity in rubber agroforests, carbon emissions, and rural livelihoods: An agent-based model of land-use dynamics in lowland Sumatra
GB Villamor, QB Le, U Djanibekov, M van Noordwijk, PLG Vlek
Environmental Modelling & Software 61, 151-165, 2014
Farmers’ perceptions of climate change impacts on ecosystem services delivery of parklands in southern Mali
K Sanogo, J Binam, J Bayala, GB Villamor, A Kalinganire, S Dodiomon
Agroforestry systems 91, 345-361, 2017
Comparing farmers’ perception of climate change and variability with historical climate data in the Upper East Region of Ghana
ML Amadou, GB Villamor, EM Attua, SB Traoré
Ghana Journal of Geography 7 (1), 47-74, 2015
Social Role-Play Games Vs Individual Perceptions of Conservation and PES Agreements for Maintaining Rubber Agroforests in Jambi (Sumatra), Indonesia
GB Villamor, M van Noordwijk
Ecology and Society 16 (3), 27, 2011
Gender influences decisions to change land use practices in the tropical forest margins of Jambi, Indonesia
GB Villamor, F Desrianti, R Akiefnawati, S Amaruzaman, M van Noordwijk
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 19, 733-755, 2014
Social actors and unsustainability of agriculture
F Bernard, M van Noordwijk, E Luedeling, GB Villamor, GW Sileshi, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 6, 155-161, 2014
Assessing land-use typologies and change intensities in a structurally complex Ghanaian cocoa landscape
DT Benefoh, GB Villamor, M Van Noordwijk, C Borgemeister, WA Asante, ...
Applied Geography 99, 109-119, 2018
Stewardship agreement to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD): Case study from Lubuk Beringin's Hutan Desa, Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia
R Akiefnawati, GB Villamor, F Zulfikar, I Budisetiawan, E Mulyoutami, ...
International Forestry Review 12 (4), 349-360, 2010
Agroforest’s growing role in reducing carbon losses from Jambi (Sumatra), Indonesia
GB Villamor, RG Pontius, M van Noordwijk
Regional Environmental Change 14, 825-834, 2014
Gender-specific responses to climate variability in a semi-arid ecosystem in northern Benin
AP Dah-Gbeto, GB Villamor
Ambio 45, 297-308, 2016
Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn C. F.) fruit yield assessment and management by farm households in the Atacora district of Benin
K Aleza, GB Villamor, BK Nyarko, K Wala, K Akpagana
PloS one 13 (1), e0190234, 2018
Land use change and shifts in gender roles in central Sumatra, Indonesia
GB Villamor, R Akiefnawati, M Van Noordwijk, F Desrianti, U Pradhan
International Forestry Review 17 (4), 61-75, 2015
Monitoring land use and soil salinity changes in coastal landscape: A case study from Senegal
S Thiam, GB Villamor, LC Faye, JHB Sène, B Diwediga, N Kyei-Baffour
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193, 1-18, 2021
Simulating agricultural land-use adaptation decisions to climate change: An empirical agent-based modelling in northern Ghana
ML Amadou, GB Villamor, N Kyei-Baffour
Agricultural Systems 166, 196-209, 2018
Grazing game: A learning tool for adaptive management in response to climate variability in semiarid areas of Ghana
GB Villamor, BK Badmos
Ecology and Society 21 (1), 2016
Population structure and regeneration status of Vitellaria Paradoxa (C. F. Gaertner) under different land management regimes in Atacora department, Benin
K Aleza, K Wala, J Bayala, GB Villamor, M Dourma, W Atakpama, ...
Agroforestry Systems 89, 511-523, 2015
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