Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Rae L OlssonWeitere Informationen
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Pesticide exposure patterns in honey bees during migratory pollination
G Zhang, R Kuesel, R Olsson, R Reed, X Liu, B Hopkins
Hazardous Materials 480, 2024
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Verfügbar: 6
Landscape context affects the sustainability of organic farming systems
OM Smith, AL Cohen, JP Reganold, MS Jones, RJ Orpet, JM Taylor, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (6), 2870-2878, 2020
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Strategies and techniques to mitigate the negative impacts of pesticide exposure to honey bees
G Zhang, RL Olsson, BK Hopkins
Environmental Pollution 318, 120915, 2023
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Interactions between plants and pollinators across urban and rural farming landscapes
RL Olsson, MR Brousil, RE Clark, Q Baine, DW Crowder
Food Webs 27, e00194, 2021
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
An introduction to cavity-nesting bees in the Puget Sound region
EH Bloom, RL Olsson, EH Wine, RN Schaeffer, DW Crowder
Washington State University Extension, 2018
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Bee communities in canola are affected by landscape context and farm management
RL Olsson, VW Pfeiffer, BW Lee, DW Crowder
bioRxiv, 2021.11. 29.470453, 2021
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
Pollinators in Canola in the Inland Pacific Northwest
RL Olsson, MR Brousil, RE Clark, Q Baine, DW Crowder
Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing, 13, 2021
Mandate: US Department of Agriculture
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