Ignacio Rubio Scola
Ignacio Rubio Scola
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Blockage and leak detection and location in pipelines using frequency response optimization
I Rubio Scola, G Besançon, D Georges
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 143 (1), 04016074, 2017
Leak Detection and Location Based on Improved Pipe Model and Nonlinear Observer
M Guillén, JF Dulhoste, G Besancon, I Rubio Scola, R Santos, D Georges
proceedings of 13th European Control Conference, Strasbourg, France, 2014
Input optimization for Observability of State Affine Systems.
I Rubio Scola, G Besançon, D Georges
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (2), 737-742, 2013
A Robust Control Strategy With Perturbation Estimation for the Parrot Mambo Platform
I Rubio Scola, GA Guijarro Reyes, LR Garcia Carrillo, JP Hespanha, ...
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2020
Robust Local Stabilization of Discrete‐Time Systems with Time‐Varying State Delay and Saturating Actuators
JVV Silva, LFP Silva, I Rubio Scola, VJS Leite
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2018 (1), 5013056, 2018
Affordable control platform with MPC application
ACE Sousa, VJS Leite, I Rubio Scola
Studies in Informatics and Control 27 (3), 265-274, 2018
Optimizing Kalman optimal observer for state affine systems by input selection
I Rubio Scola, G Besançon, D Georges
Automatica 93, 224-230, 2018
Robust Hybrid PI Controller with a Simple Adaptation in the integrator reset state
I Rubio Scola, MM Quadros, VJS Leite
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 1457-1462, 2017
Auxiliary Signal Design and Liénard-type Models for Identifying Pipeline Parameters
J Jiménez, L Torres, I Rubio Scola, M Sanjuan
Modeling and Monitoring of Pipelines and Networks, 99-124, 2017
Limbic System-Inspired Performance-Guaranteed Control for Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems With Uncertainties
I Rubio Scola, LR Garcia Carrillo, JP Hespanha
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2021
Observer-based detection and location of partial blockages in pipelines
G Besancon, I Rubio Scola, M Guillen, JF Dulhoste, R Santos, D Georges
Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol), 2013 Conference on, 694-699, 2013
Input selection in observer design for nonuniformly observable systems
G Besancon, I Rubio Scola, D Georges
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (23), 664-669, 2013
Improving the seed detection accuracy of piezoelectric impact sensors for precision seeders. Part I: A comparative study of signal processing algorithms
S Rossi, I Rubio Scola, G Bourges, E Šarauskis, D Karayel
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 215, 108449, 2023
Online observability optimization for state affine systems with output injection and observer design
I Rubio Scola, G Besancon, D Georges
Control & Automation (MED), 2013 21st Mediterranean Conference on, 609-614, 2013
Pipeline partial blockage modeling and identification
G Besançon, M Guillén, JF Dulhoste, R Santos, I Rubio Scola
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (11), 730-735, 2013
Improving the seed detection accuracy of piezoelectric impact sensors for precision seeders. Part II: Evaluation of different plate materials
S Rossi, I Rubio Scola, G Bourges, E Šarauskis, D Karayel
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 215, 108448, 2023
Air drill Seeder Distributor Head Evaluation: A Comparison between Laboratory Tests and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations
I Rubio Scola, S Rossi, G Bourges
Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture—Theme II: Data …, 2022
Stable robust controller inspired by the mammalian limbic system for a class of nonlinear systems
I Rubio Scola, LR Garcia Carrillo, JP Hespanha
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 842-847, 2020
Translational Model Identification and Robust Control for the Parrot Mambo UAS Multicopter
I Rubio Scola, GA Guijarro Reyes, LR Garcia Carrillo, J Hespanha, J Xie
2019 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-6, 2019
A plug-in procedure for hybridization of PI controllers
MM Quadros, I Rubio Scola, VJS Leite, S Tarbouriech
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (1), 892-897, 2019
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