Michelle J. Price
Michelle J. Price
Curator and Researcher in Bryology, Conservatory and Botanical Garden of the City of Geneva
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International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017.
NJ Turland, JH Wiersema, FR Barrie, W Greuter, DL Hawksworth, ...
Koeltz botanical books, 2018
&amp; Smith, GF (eds.)(2018)< em> International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress …
NJ Turland, JH Wiersema, FR Barrie, W Greuter, DL Hawksworth, ...
Regnum Vegetabile 159, 2018
International code of nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) Regnum Vegetabile 159
NJ Turland, JH Wiersema, FR Barrie, W Greuter, DL Hawksworth, ...
Glashütten: Koeltz Botanical Books, 2018
Connecting data and expertise: a new alliance for biodiversity knowledge
D Hobern, B Baptiste, K Copas, R Guralnick, A Hahn, E Van Huis, ES Kim, ...
Biodiversity data journal 7, e33679, 2019
An updated checklist of the mosses of Paraguay
BJ O’Shea, MJ Price
Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution 29 (1), 6–37-6–37, 2008
Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF) best practices in electronic publishing in taxonomy
L Bénichou, I Gérard, É Laureys, M Price
European Journal of Taxonomy, 2018
Phylogeny and systematic position of Mesoptychia (Lindb.) A. Evans
A Cailliau, DG Long, MJ Price, M Perret
Plant Systematics and Evolution 299, 1243-1251, 2013
Biomonitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon deposition in Greenland using historical moss herbarium specimens shows a decrease in pollution during the 20th century
K Martinez-Swatson, E Mihály, C Lange, M Ernst, M Dela Cruz, MJ Price, ...
Frontiers in plant science 11, 1085, 2020
Review of the type specimens of species described by J. Hedwig in Phascum Hedw. (Pottiaceae).
LT Ellis, MJ Price
Journal of Bryology 37 (1), 23-41, 2015
Catalogue of the Hedwig-Schwägrichen Herbarium (G), Part 1, Type material and a review of typifications for the Hedwig moss names)
MJ Price
Boissiera 61, 1-388., 2005
(276–279) Proposals to provide for registration of new names and nomenclatural acts
ME Barkworth, M Watson, FR Barrie, IV Belyaeva, RCK Chung, J Dašková, ...
Taxon 65 (3), 656-658, 2016
Report of the Special Committee on Registration of Algal and Plant Names (including fossils)
ME Barkworth, M Watson, FR Barrie, IV Belyaeva, RCK Chung, J Dašková, ...
Taxon 65 (3), 670-672, 2016
Tackling a long‐standing problem: Typification of Orthotrichum crispum, Ulota crispula and Ulota intermedia (Bryopsida: Orthotrichaceae)
R Caparrós, R Garilleti, MJ Price, V Mazimpaka, F Lara
Taxon 65 (4), 862-866, 2016
A lectotype for Breutelia chrysocoma (Hedw.) Lindb., (Bryophyta; Bartramiaceae)
MJ Price, LT Ellis
Journal of Bryology 33 (4), 308-315, 2011
" Les mousses": Liste rouge, inventaire et initiation aux bryophytes du canton de Genève
L Burgisser, A Cailliau, M Price, B von Arx
Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, 2012
Inventaire des lichens, des mousses et des hépatiques du Bois de la Grille (commune de Vernier, canton de Genève)
L Burgisser, C Habashi-Mayor, P Clerc, M Price
Saussurea 34, 111-129, 2004
Hornworts in the agricultural fields of Geneva: new findings, the soil diaspore bank and ex situ soil cultures.
A Cailliau, MJ Price
Review of the type specimens for Hedwig’s species of Dicranella (Dicranaceae)
LT Ellis, MJ Price
Journal of Bryology 35 (4), 275-289, 2013
Flore en ville: sites et espèces d'intérêt en Ville de Genève: plantes à fleurs, fougères, mousses, lichens
F Mombrial, B Bäumler, P Clerc, C Habashi, H Hinden, ...
Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, 2013
Unearthing a lectotype for Polytrichum commune Hedw. (Bryophyta, Polytrichaceae)
IU Kariyawasam, MJ Price, NE Bell, DG Long, RR Mill, J Hyvönen
Taxon 70 (3), 653-659, 2021
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