Andreas Nevosad
Andreas Nevosad
AC2T research GmbH
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Atomic force microscopy based manipulation of graphene using dynamic plowing lithography
B Vasić, M Kratzer, A Matković, A Nevosad, U Ralević, D Jovanović, ...
Nanotechnology 24 (1), 015303, 2012
Inverted bulk-heterojunction solar cell with cross-linked hole-blocking layer
Y Udum, P Denk, G Adam, DH Apaydin, A Nevosad, C Teichert, MS White, ...
Organic electronics 15 (5), 997-1001, 2014
Tribological behaviour and wear mechanisms of manganese phosphate coatings under dry reciprocating sliding contact conditions
S Azhaarudeen, AAM Faruck, A Nevosad
Tribology International 122, 189-199, 2018
UV-induced modulation of the conductivity of polyaniline: towards a photo-patternable charge injection layer for structured organic light emitting diodes
T Griesser, SV Radl, T Koepplmayr, A Wolfberger, M Edler, A Pavitschitz, ...
Journal of materials chemistry 22 (7), 2922-2928, 2012
Micro four-point probe investigation of individual ZnO grain boundaries in a varistor ceramic
A Nevosad, M Hofstätter, P Supancic, R Danzer, C Teichert
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 34 (8), 1963-1970, 2014
Two and three-body abrasion resistance of rubbers at elevated temperatures
W Molnar, A Nevosad, H Rojacz, K Adam, HJ Henze, MR Ripoll, ...
Wear 414, 174-181, 2018
Experimentally validated atomistic simulation of the effect of relevant grinding parameters on work piece topography, internal stresses, and microstructure
SJ Eder, PG Grützmacher, T Spenger, H Heckes, H Rojacz, A Nevosad, ...
Friction 10 (4), 608-629, 2022
Influence of surface roughness and phosphate coating on galling resistance of medium-grade carbon steel
B Podgornik, F Kafexhiu, A Nevosad, E Badisch
Wear 446, 203180, 2020
Voltage polarity dependent current paths through polycrystalline ZnO varistors
M Hofstätter, A Nevosad, C Teichert, P Supancic, R Danzer
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 33 (15-16), 3473-3476, 2013
Statistical analysis on the impact of process parameters on tool damage during press hardening
M Schrenk, S Krenn, MR Ripoll, A Nevosad, S Paar, R Grundtner, ...
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 23, 222-230, 2016
Conductive and edge retaining embedding compounds: influence of graphite content in compounds on specimen’s SEM and EBSD performance
H Rojacz, M Premauer, A Nevosad
Practical Metallography 58 (5), 236-263, 2021
On wear mechanisms and microstructural changes in nano-scratches of fcc metals
H Rojacz, A Nevosad, M Varga
Wear 526, 204928, 2023
Initial damage mechanism and running-in behaviour of phosphate conversion coatings
A Nevosad, S Azhaarudeen, N Doerr, H Zacharias, J Klarner, E Badisch
Key Engineering Materials 721, 356-361, 2017
C-AFM and KPFM approach to investigate the electrical properties of single grain boundaries in ZnO varistor devices
A Nevosad, M Hofstätter, M Wiessner, P Supancic, C Teichert
Oxide-based Materials and Devices IV 8626, 223-230, 2013
Tribological interaction of manganese phosphate coatings with grease and solid lubricant particles
A Nevosad, S Azhaarudeen, H Rojacz
Tribology Letters 68 (1), 20, 2020
Friction and wear characterization of the tribosystem scraper versus rubber in conveyor systems
W Molnar, V Pejaković, A Nevosad, M Varga, K Adam, S Deschka, ...
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 50 (1), 454-464, 2022
Improvement of friction behavior and wear resistance in high temperature applications through release agent
L Widder, A Nevosad, F Reichmann, K Adam
Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik 65 (6), 21-24, 2018
Conductive probe based investigations on ZnO varistor ceramics
A Nevosad
Potential and Performance of Pure Water Lubrication in Gearboxes
A Nevosad, S Krenn, M Adler, D Cofalka, S Lais, U Gaiser
24th International Colloquium Tribology, 241, 2024
The influence of viscose fibre properties on the absorbency of feminine hygiene tampons: the pivotal role of cross-sectional geometry
T Harter, A Wagner, A Wolfbauer, I Bernt, A Mautner, M Kriechbaum, ...
Cellulose 31 (2), 1139-1158, 2024
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