Bela Stantic
Bela Stantic
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Sentiment analysis in tourism: capitalizing on big data
AR Alaei, S Becken, B Stantic
Journal of travel research 58 (2), 175-191, 2019
Timed intervention in COVID-19 and panic buying
C Prentice, J Chen, B Stantic
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 57, 102203, 2020
Mitochondrial targeting of vitamin E succinate enhances its pro-apoptotic and anti-cancer activity via mitochondrial complex II
LF Dong, VJA Jameson, D Tilly, J Cerny, E Mahdavian, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (5), 3717-3728, 2011
Monitoring the environment and human sentiment on the Great Barrier Reef: Assessing the potential of collective sensing
S Becken, B Stantic, J Chen, AR Alaei, RM Connolly
Journal of environmental management 203, 87-97, 2017
EASE-MM: sequence-based prediction of mutation-induced stability changes with feature-based multiple models
L Folkman, B Stantic, A Sattar, Y Zhou
Journal of molecular biology 428 (6), 1394-1405, 2016
From anomaly detection to rumour detection using data streams of social platforms
NT Tam, M Weidlich, B Zheng, H Yin, NQV Hung, B Stantic
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 12 (9), 1016-1029, 2019
Assessing fish abundance from underwater video using deep neural networks
R Mandal, RM Connolly, TA Schlacher, B Stantic
2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-6, 2018
Climate crisis and flying: Social media analysis traces the rise of “flightshame”
S Becken, H Friedl, B Stantic, RM Connolly, J Chen
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 29 (9), 1450-1469, 2021
Simulated Annealing for Materialized View Selection in Data Warehousing Environment.
R Derakhshan, FKHA Dehne, O Korn, B Stantic
Databases and applications, 89-94, 2006
Assessing destination satisfaction by social media: An innovative approach using Importance-Performance Analysis
J Chen, S Becken, B Stantic
Annals of Tourism Research 93, 103371, 2022
DDIG-in: detecting disease-causing genetic variations due to frameshifting indels and nonsense mutations employing sequence and structural properties at nucleotide and protein …
L Folkman, Y Yang, Z Li, B Stantic, A Sattar, M Mort, DN Cooper, Y Liu, ...
Bioinformatics 31 (10), 1599-1606, 2015
Multi-label classification via label correlation and first order feature dependance in a data stream
TT Nguyen, TTT Nguyen, AV Luong, QVH Nguyen, AWC Liew, B Stantic
Pattern recognition 90, 35-51, 2019
Parallel simulated annealing for materialized view selection in data warehousing environments
R Derakhshan, B Stantic, O Korn, F Dehne
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: 8th International …, 2008
User guidance for efficient fact checking
TT Nguyen, M Weidlich, H Yin, B Zheng, QVH Nguyen, B Stantic
Relevant, or irrelevant, external factors in panic buying
C Prentice, M Nguyen, P Nandy, MA Winardi, Y Chen, L Le Monkhouse, ...
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 61, 102587, 2021
Investigating DNA‐, RNA‐, and protein‐based features as a means to discriminate pathogenic synonymous variants
M Livingstone, L Folkman, Y Yang, P Zhang, M Mort, DN Cooper, Y Liu, ...
Human mutation 38 (10), 1336-1347, 2017
From feedback loop transitions to biomarkers in the psycho-immune-neuroendocrine network: Detecting the critical transition from health to major depression
NJC Stapelberg, R Pratt, DL Neumann, DHK Shum, S Brandis, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 90, 1-15, 2018
Maximal fusion of facts on the web with credibility guarantee
TT Nguyen, TC Phan, QVH Nguyen, K Aberer, B Stantic
Information Fusion 48, 55-66, 2019
What-if analysis with conflicting goals: Recommending data ranges for exploration
QVH Nguyen, K Zheng, M Weidlich, B Zheng, H Yin, TT Nguyen, B Stantic
2018 IEEE 34th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 89-100, 2018
Diversifying group recommendation
NT Toan, PT Cong, NT Tam, NQV Hung, B Stantic
IEEE Access 6, 17776-17786, 2018
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