Marcio de Araujo Furtado, PhD
Marcio de Araujo Furtado, PhD
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Exposure to nerve agents: From status epilepticus to neuroinflammation, brain damage, neurogenesis and epilepsy
M de Araujo Furtado, F Rossetti, S Chanda, D Yourick
Neurotoxicology 33 (6), 1476-1490, 2012
Behavioral, morphologic, and electroencephalographic evaluation of seizures induced by intrahippocampal microinjection of pilocarpine
M De A. Furtado, GK Braga, JAC Oliveira, F Del Vecchio, ...
Epilepsia 43, 37-39, 2002
Spontaneous recurrent seizures after status epilepticus induced by soman in Sprague‐Dawley rats
M De Araujo Furtado, LA Lumley, C Robison, LC Tong, S Lichtenstein, ...
Epilepsia 51 (8), 1503-1510, 2010
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (nerve agents) as weapons of mass destruction: History, mechanisms of action, and medical countermeasures
V Aroniadou-Anderjaska, JP Apland, TH Figueiredo, MDA Furtado, ...
Neuropharmacology 181, 108298, 2020
Comparative neuroanatomical and temporal characterization of FluoroJade-positive neurodegeneration after status epilepticus induced by systemic and intrahippocampal pilocarpine …
OW Castro, MA Furtado, CQ Tilelli, A Fernandes, GP Pajolla, ...
Brain research 1374, 43-55, 2011
Study of spontaneous recurrent seizures and morphological alterations after status epilepticus induced by intrahippocampal injection of pilocarpine
MA Furtado, OW Castro, F Del Vecchio, JAC de Oliveira, ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 20 (2), 257-266, 2011
Caramiphen edisylate as adjunct to standard therapy attenuates soman-induced seizures and cognitive deficits in rats
MK Schultz, LKM Wright, M de Araujo Furtado, MF Stone, MC Moffett, ...
Neurotoxicology and teratology 44, 89-104, 2014
Combined diazepam and HDAC inhibitor treatment protects against seizures and neuronal damage caused by soman exposure
F Rossetti, M de Araujo Furtado, T Pak, K Bailey, M Shields, S Chanda, ...
Neurotoxicology 33 (3), 500-511, 2012
Neuroethological study of status epilepticus induced by systemic pilocarpine in Wistar audiogenic rats (WAR strain)
N Garcia-Cairasco, F Rossetti, JAC Oliveira, MA Furtado
Epilepsy & Behavior 5 (4), 455-463, 2004
Rational polytherapy in the treatment of cholinergic seizures
J Niquet, L Lumley, R Baldwin, F Rossetti, L Suchomelova, D Naylor, ...
Neurobiology of disease 133, 104537, 2020
Early polytherapy for benzodiazepine-refractory status epilepticus
J Niquet, L Lumley, R Baldwin, F Rossetti, M Schultz, M de Araujo Furtado, ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 101, 106367, 2019
Analyzing large data sets acquired through telemetry from rats exposed to organophosphorous compounds: an EEG study
M de Araujo Furtado, A Zheng, M Sedigh-Sarvestani, L Lumley, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 184 (1), 176-183, 2009
Correlation between shaking behaviors and seizure severity in five animal models of convulsive seizures
MCA Rodrigues, F Rossetti, ML Foresti, GM Arisi, MA Furtado, ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 6 (3), 328-336, 2005
Soman‐induced status epilepticus, epileptogenesis, and neuropathology in carboxylesterase knockout mice treated with midazolam
B Marrero‐Rosado, M de Araujo Furtado, CR Schultz, M Stone, ...
Epilepsia 59 (12), 2206-2218, 2018
Mechanisms of organophosphate toxicity and the role of acetylcholinesterase inhibition
V Aroniadou-Anderjaska, TH Figueiredo, M de Araujo Furtado, ...
Toxics 11 (10), 866, 2023
Treatment of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor-induced seizures with polytherapy targeting GABA and glutamate receptors
L Lumley, J Niquet, B Marrero-Rosado, M Schultz, F Rossetti, ...
Neuropharmacology 185, 108444, 2021
Neurosteroid and benzodiazepine combination therapy reduces status epilepticus and long‐term effects of whole‐body sarin exposure in rats
LL Lucille Lumley, Dennis Miller, William Muse, Brenda Marrero‐Rosado ...
Epilepsia Open, 2019
Ketamine as adjunct to midazolam treatment following soman-induced status epilepticus reduces seizure severity, epileptogenesis, and brain pathology in plasma carboxylesterase …
BM Marrero-Rosado, M de Araujo Furtado, ER Kundrick, KA Walker, ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 111, 107229, 2020
Full Protection Against Soman-Induced Seizures and Brain Damage by LY293558 and Caramiphen Combination Treatment in Adult Rats
JP Apland, V Aroniadou-Anderjaska, TH Figueiredo, M De Araujo Furtado, ...
Neurotoxicity Research, doi: 10.1007/s12640-018-9907-1, 2018
Dataset of EEG power integral, spontaneous recurrent seizure and behavioral responses following combination drug therapy in soman-exposed rats
LA Lumley, F Rossetti, M de Araujo Furtado, B Marrero-Rosado, ...
Data in brief 27, 104629, 2019
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