Laboratory study of wave-breaking over bars and artificial reefs ER Smith, NC Kraus Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 117 (4), 307-325, 1991 | 132 | 1991 |
Laboratory study on macro-features of wave breaking over bars and artificial reefs ER Smith, NC Kraus Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (US), 1990 | 103 | 1990 |
Temporal and spatial variations of surf-zone currents and suspended sediment concentration P Wang, BA Ebersole, ER Smith, BD Johnson Coastal Engineering 46 (3), 175-211, 2002 | 91 | 2002 |
Modeling of nonlinear wave propagation over fringing reefs A Sheremet, JM Kaihatu, SF Su, ER Smith, JM Smith Coastal Engineering 58 (12), 1125-1137, 2011 | 84 | 2011 |
Large-scale laboratory measurements of longshore sediment transport under spilling and plunging breakers P Wang, ER Smith, BA Ebersole Journal of Coastal Research, 118-135, 2002 | 81 | 2002 |
Dependence of total longshore sediment transport rates on incident wave parameters and breaker type ER Smith, P Wang, BA Ebersole, J Zhang Journal of Coastal Research 25 (3), 675-683, 2009 | 65 | 2009 |
Evaluation of the CERC formula using large-scale model data ER Smith, P Wang, J Zhang Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 3, 2003 | 50* | 2003 |
Assessing the resilience of coastal systems: A probabilistic approach MT Schultz, ER Smith Journal of Coastal Research 32 (5), 1032-1050, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
Development of a large-scale laboratory facility for sediment transport research DG Hamilton, BA Ebersole, ER Smith, P Wang US Army Corps and Engineers, 2001 | 43 | 2001 |
Beach-profile evolution under spilling and plunging breakers P Wang, BA Ebersole, ER Smith Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 129 (1), 41-46, 2003 | 41 | 2003 |
Laboratory experiments on beach change due to nearshore mound placement ER Smith, MC Mohr, SA Chader Coastal Engineering 121, 119-128, 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
Longshore Sand Transport—Initial Results from the Large-Scale Sediment Transport Facility. ERDC P Wang, BA Ebersole, ER Smith CHL CHETN-II-46, March 2002, US Army Engineer Research and Development …, 2002 | 33* | 2002 |
Nearshore placement of a sand dredged mound ER Smith, F D'Alessandro, GR Tomasicchio, JZ Gailani Coastal Engineering 126, 1-10, 2017 | 29 | 2017 |
Hydrodynamic conditions associated with an onshore migrating and stable sandbar J Cheng, P Wang, ER Smith Journal of Coastal Research 32 (1), 153-163, 2016 | 27 | 2016 |
Case Histories of Corps Breakwater and Jetty Structures; Report 5: North Atlantic Division ER Smith COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER VICKSBURG MS, 1988 | 17* | 1988 |
Two-and three-dimensional laboratory studies of wave breaking, dissipation, setup, and runup on reefs ER Smith, TJ Hessner, JM Smith ENGINEER RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER VICKSBURG MS COASTAL AND HYDRAULICS LAB, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
Dependence of total longshore sediment transport rates on incident wave parameters and breaker type ER Smith, BA Ebersole, P Wang US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics …, 2004 | 12 | 2004 |
Littoral environment observation program ER Smith, SE Wagner Journal of coastal Research, 595-605, 1991 | 12 | 1991 |
Erodibility study of passaic river sediments using USACE SEDflume TD Borrowman, ER Smith, JZ Gailani, L Caviness ENGINEER RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER VICKSBURG MS ENVIRONMENTAL LAB, 2006 | 11 | 2006 |
Modeling of Nearshore-Placed Dredged Material ER Smith, R Permenter, MC Mohr, SA Chader US Army Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg MS Coastal and …, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |