Mark Dingemanse
Mark Dingemanse
I study how language is shaped by and for social interaction. Homepage has all paper PDFs
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Arbitrariness, iconicity and systematicity in language
M Dingemanse, DE Blasi, G Lupyan, MH Christiansen, P Monaghan
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 19 (10), 603-615, 2015
Advances in the Cross‐Linguistic Study of Ideophones
M Dingemanse
Language and Linguistics Compass 6 (10), 654-672, 2012
Universal Principles in the Repair of Communication Problems
M Dingemanse, SG Roberts, J Baranova, J Blythe, P Drew, S Floyd, ...
PLOS ONE 10 (9), e0136100, 2015
Differential coding of perception in the world’s languages
A Majid, SG Roberts, L Cilissen, K Emmorey, B Nicodemus, L O'Grady, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi:10.1073/pnas.1720419115, 2018
The meaning and use of ideophones in Siwu
M Dingemanse
PhD Dissertation, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, 2011
Iconicity in the lab: A review of behavioral, developmental, and neuroimaging research into sound-symbolism
G Lockwood, M Dingemanse
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1246, 2015
Is “Huh?” a universal word? Conversational infrastructure and the convergent evolution of linguistic items
M Dingemanse, F Torreira, NJ Enfield
PLOS ONE 8 (11), e78273, 2013
Vision verbs dominate in conversation across cultures, but the ranking of non-visual verbs varies
L San Roque, KH Kendrick, E Norcliffe, P Brown, R Defina, ...
Cognitive linguistics 26, 31-60, 2015
Other-initiated repair across languages: towards a typology of conversational structures
M Dingemanse, NJ Enfield
Open Linguistics 1, 98-118, 2015
Redrawing the margins of language: Lessons from research on ideophones
M Dingemanse
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 3 (1), doi:10.5334/gjgl.444, 2018
An inverse relation between expressiveness and grammatical integration: on the morphosyntactic typology of ideophones, with special reference to Japanese
M Dingemanse, K Akita
Journal of Linguistics 53 (10.1017/S002222671600030X), 501-532, 2017
Formats for other-initiation of repair across languages: An exercise in pragmatic typology
M Dingemanse, J Blythe, T Dirksmeyer
Studies in Language 38 (1), 5-43, 2014
What sound symbolism can and cannot do: testing the iconicity of ideophones from five languages
M Dingemanse, W Schuerman, E Reinisch, S Tufvesson, H Mitterer
Language 92 (2), e117-e133, 2016
Ideophones and reduplication: Depiction, description, and the interpretation of repeated talk in discourse
M Dingemanse
Studies in Language 39 (4), 946-970, 2015
Huh? What? – A first survey in 21 languages
NJ Enfield, M Dingemanse, J Baranova, J Blythe, P Brown, T Dirksmeyer, ...
Conversational Repair and Human Understanding, 343-380, 2013
Ideophones and gesture in everyday speech
M Dingemanse
Gesture 13 (2), 143-165, 2013
Ideophones (Mimetics, Expressives)
K Akita, M Dingemanse
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2019
Alignment in multimodal interaction: An integrative framework
M Rasenberg, A Özyürek, M Dingemanse
Cognitive Science 44 (11), e12911, 2020
'Ideophone' as a comparative concept
M Dingemanse
Ideophones, Mimetics, and Expressives, 13-33, 2019
Iconicity in word learning and beyond: A critical review
AKS Nielsen, M Dingemanse
Language and Speech, doi:10.1177/0023830920914339, 2021
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