Jean-Michel Harmand
Jean-Michel Harmand
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Servicios ambientales de los sistemas agroforestales
J Beer, C Harvey, M Ibrahim, JM Harmand, E Somarriba, F Jiménez
Agroforestería en las Américas 10 (37-38), 80-87, 2003
Effects of Inga densiflora on the microclimate of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) and overall biomass under optimal growing conditions in Costa Rica
P Siles, JM Harmand, P Vaast
Agroforestry systems 78, 269-286, 2010
Changes in carbon stock and greenhouse gas balance in a coffee (Coffea arabica) monoculture versus an agroforestry system with Inga densiflora, in Costa Rica
K Hergoualc’h, E Blanchart, U Skiba, C Hénault, JM Harmand
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 148, 102-110, 2012
Agroforestry associating coffee and Inga densiflora results in complementarity for water uptake and decreases deep drainage in Costa Rica
P Cannavo, J Sansoulet, JM Harmand, P Siles, E Dreyer, P Vaast
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 140 (1-2), 1-13, 2011
Leaf area index as an indicator of ecosystem services and management practices: An application for coffee agroforestry
S Taugourdeau, G Le Maire, J Avelino, JR Jones, LG Ramirez, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 192, 19-37, 2014
Shade: a key factor for coffee sustainability and quality.
P Vaast, RV Kanten, P Siles, B Dzib, N Franck, JM Harmand, M Génard
Symbiotic dinitrogen fixation by trees: an underestimated resource in agroforestry systems?
P Nygren, MP Fernández, JM Harmand, HA Leblanc
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 94, 123-160, 2012
Coffee agroforestry systems in Central America: II. Development of a simple process-based model and preliminary results
M Van Oijen, J Dauzat, JM Harmand, G Lawson, P Vaast
Agroforestry systems 80, 361-378, 2010
Fluxes of greenhouse gases from Andosols under coffee in monoculture or shaded by Inga densiflora in Costa Rica
K Hergoualc’h, U Skiba, JM Harmand, C Hénault
Biogeochemistry 89, 329-345, 2008
Coffee and cocoa production in agroforestry—a climate-smart agriculture model
P Vaast, JM Harmand, B Rapidel, P Jagoret, O Deheuvels
Climate change and agriculture worldwide, 209-224, 2015
Relaciones entre la cobertura arbórea en potreros y la producción bovina en fincas ganaderas en el trópico seco en Cañas, Costa Rica. Relationships between tree cover in …
C Restrepo Sáenz, M Ibrahim, C Harvey, JM Harmand, J Morales
Agroforestería en las Américas (CATIE). 2004.(, 2004
Modelling the hydrological behaviour of a coffee agroforestry basin in Costa Rica
F Gómez-Delgado, O Roupsard, G Le Maire, S Taugourdeau, A Pérez, ...
Hydrology and earth system sciences 15 (1), 369-392, 2011
Rainfall partitioning into throughfall, stemflow and interception loss in a coffee (Coffea arabica L.) monoculture compared to an agroforestry system with Inga densiflora
P Siles, P Vaast, E Dreyer, JM Harmand
Journal of Hydrology 395 (1-2), 39-48, 2010
Aboveground and belowground biomass, productivity and nutrient accumulation in tree improved fallows in the dry tropics of Cameroon
JM Harmand, CF Njiti, F Bernhard-Reversat, H Puig
Forest ecology and management 188 (1-3), 249-265, 2004
Shade trees have higher impact on soil nutrient availability and food web in organic than conventional coffee agroforestry
M Sauvadet, K Van den Meersche, C Allinne, F Gay, ...
Science of the Total Environment 649, 1065-1074, 2019
Nitrogen dynamics and soil nitrate retention in a Coffea arabica—Eucalyptus deglupta agroforestry system in Southern Costa Rica
JM Harmand, H Avila, E Dambrine, U Skiba, S de Miguel, RV Renderos, ...
Biogeochemistry 85 (2), 125-139, 2007
Management of soil organic matter in semiarid Africa for annual cropping systems
F Ganry, C Feller, JM Harmand, H Guibert
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 61 (1), 105-118, 2001
Low nitrogen use efficiency and high nitrate leaching in a highly fertilized Coffea arabicaInga densiflora agroforestry system: a 15N labeled fertilizer study
P Cannavo, JM Harmand, B Zeller, P Vaast, JE Ramírez, E Dambrine
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems 95, 377-394, 2013
Differences in nitrogen cycling and soil mineralisation between a eucalypt plantation and a mixed eucalypt and Acacia mangium plantation on a sandy tropical soil
SV Tchichelle, D Epron, F Mialoundama, LS Koutika, JM Harmand, ...
Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 79 (1), 1-8, 2017
Coffee agroforestry systems in Central America: I. A review of quantitative information on physiological and ecological processes
M Van Oijen, J Dauzat, JM Harmand, G Lawson, P Vaast
Agroforestry systems 80, 341-359, 2010
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