Xiaoyan Yin
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Zitiert von
Fast-moving bat ears create informative Doppler shifts
X Yin, R Müller
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (25), 12270-12274, 2019
Integration of deep learning and soft robotics for a biomimetic approach to nonlinear sensing
X Yin, R Müller
Nature Machine Intelligence 3 (6), 507-512, 2021
Horseshoe bats and old world leaf-nosed bats have two discrete types of pinna motions
X Yin, P Qiu, L Yang, R Müller
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (5), 3011-3017, 2017
Quantification of fast pinna motions in rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats
X Yin, P Qiu, R Müller
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142 (4_Supplement), 2664-2664, 2017
A comparative study of pinna motions in horseshoe bats and Old World leaf-nosed bats
X Yin, P Nguyen, TJ Tucker, R Müller
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (3_Supplement), 1761-1761, 2015
Why hipposiderid biosonar is worth studying
R Müller, R Zhang, L Zhang, P Qiu, X Yin
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (5_Supplement), 3484-3484, 2017
A brain for a batbot: Combining deep learning and biomimetic robots to understand and replicate bat biosonar
R Müller, X Yin, R Wang, L Zhang, M Goldsworthy
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148 (4_Supplement), 2728-2728, 2020
Quantitative analysis of rigid and non-rigid motion patterns in rhinolophid and hipposiderid pinnae
X Yin, P Qiu, M Zhang, R Müller
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140 (4_Supplement), 2974-2974, 2016
Egyptian fruit bats exhibit precise 3D spatial memory that eclipses sensory information
X Yin, C Moss
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150 (4_Supplement), A140-A140, 2021
The Role of Actively Created Doppler shifts in Bats Behavioral Experiments and Biomimetic Reproductions
X Yin
Virginia Tech, 2021
Integration of soft-robotics and deep learning to assess the coordinated emission and reception dynamics in hipposiderid bats
S Zhang, X Yin, R Wang, R Müller
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148 (4_Supplement), 2766-2766, 2020
A deep learning approach to utilizing complex Doppler<? show $132#?><? A3B2 tlsb-0.02 w?> patterns for direction-finding inspired by bat biosonar
X Yin, R Müller
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148 (4_Supplement), 2729-2729, 2020
Fast moving biomimetic ears
X Yin, R Müller
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145 (3_Supplement), 1699-1699, 2019
Doppler shifts in bat biosonar: The good, the bad, and the unexpected
R Müller, X Yin, P Qiu
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142 (4_Supplement), 2664-2664, 2017
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