Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Siobhan MurrayWeitere Informationen
Verfügbar: 8
Eyes in the sky, boots on the ground: Assessing satellite‐and ground‐based approaches to crop yield measurement and analysis
DB Lobell, G Azzari, M Burke, S Gourlay, Z Jin, T Kilic, S Murray
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102 (1), 202-219, 2020
Mandate: US Agency for International Development, CGIAR
Cheaper, faster, and more than good enough: is GPS the new gold standard in land area measurement?
C Carletto, S Gourlay, S Murray, A Zezza
Survey Research Methods 11 (3), 235-265, 2017
Mandate: Department of International Development, UK
Eyes in the sky, boots on the ground: assessing satellite-and ground-based approaches to crop yield measurement and analysis in Uganda
DB Lobell, G Azzari, M Burke, S Gourlay, Z Jin, T Kilic, S Murray
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2018
Mandate: Department of International Development, UK, CGIAR
Cheaper, faster, and more than good enough: is GPS the new gold standard in land area measurement?
C Carletto, S Gourlay, S Murray, A Zezza
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2016
Mandate: Department of International Development, UK
Implications of migration on employment and occupational transitions in Tanzania
V Mueller, E Schmidt, N Lozano, S Murray
International Regional Science Review 42 (2), 181-206, 2019
Mandate: Department of International Development, UK
Welcome to fantasyland: comparing approaches to land area measurement in household surveys
C Carletto, S Gourlay, S Murray, A Zezza
Mandate: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Policy Research Working Paper 10609
L Fontagné, M Lebrand, S Murray, M Ruta, G Santoni, A Region
Policy, 2023
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Policy Research Working Paper 8374
DB Lobell, G Azzari, M Burke, S Gourlay, Z Jin, T Kilic, S Murray
Policy, 2018
Mandate: Department of International Development, UK, CGIAR
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