Tatik Chikmawati
Tatik Chikmawati
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Analysis of expressed sequence tag loci on wheat chromosome group 4.
M Miftahudin, K Ross, XF Ma, AA Mahmoud, J Layton, MAR Milla, ...
Phylogenetic relationships among Secale species revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphisms
T Chikmawati, B Skovmand, JP Gustafson
Genome 48 (5), 792-801, 2005
Targeting the aluminum tolerance gene Alt3 region in rye, using rice/rye micro-colinearity
M Miftahudin, T Chikmawati, K Ross, GJ Scoles, JP Gustafson
Theoretical and applied genetics 110 (5), 906-913, 2005
Pengetahuan tentang tumbuhan masyarakat tengger di bromo Tengger semeru jawa timur
J Batoro, D Setiadi, T Chikmawati, Y Purwanto
WACANA, Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora 14 (1), 1-10, 2013
Durio tanjungpurensis (Malvaceae), a new species and its one new variety from West Kalimantan, Indonesia
ZI Navia, T Chikmawati
Bangladesh Journal of Botany 44 (3), 429-436, 2015
Fitokimia genus Baccaurea spp.
G Gunawan, T Chikmawati, S Sobir, S Sulistijorini
Bioeksperimen: Jurnal Penelitian Biologi 2 (2), 96-110, 2016
ZX Tang, K Ross, ZL Ren, ZJ Yang, HY Zhang, T Chikmawati, Miftahudin, ...
Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources: Cereals, 367-396, 2011
Wild crop relatives: genomic and breeding resources cereals
ZX Tang, K Ross, ZL Ren, ZJ Yang, HY Zhang, T Chikmawati, ...
Wealth of wild species: role in plant genome elucidation and improvement …, 2011
Ethnoecology of Mandailing Tribe in Batang Gadis National Park
A Nasution, T Chikmawati, EB Walujo, EAM Zuhud
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 197 (1), 012017, 2018
Homegarden ethnobotany of two Saibatin villages in Lampung, Indonesia: Species diversity, uses, and values
AZ Wakhidah, T Chikmawati, Y Purwanto
Forest and Society 4 (2), 338-357, 2020
Keanekaragaman tumbuhan paku terestrial di Hutan Kota DKI Jakarta
D Andayaningsih, T Chikmawati, S Sulistijorini
Berita Biologi 12 (3), 297-305, 2013
A synopsis of bambusoideae (Poaceae) in Lombok, Indonesia
IPGP Damayanto, H Rustiami, T Chikmawati
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (10), 2020
Diversity and zonation of mangrove flora in Belitung Island, Indonesia
A Irawan, T Chikmawati, S SULISTIJORINI
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (5), 2021
Leaf anatomy of Pandanus species (Pandanaceae) from Java
SE Rahayu, K Kartawinata, T Chikmawati
A synopsis of Begonia (Begoniaceae) of Southeastern Sulawesi including four new species
DCT Wisnu H. Ardi, Tatik Chikmawati, Joko R. Witono
Phytotaxa 381 (1), 024-050, 2018
OsGERLP: A novel aluminum tolerance rice gene isolated from a local cultivar in Indonesia
M Miftahudin, DI Roslim, MH Fendiyanto, RD Satrio, A Zulkifli, EI Umaiyah, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 162, 86-99, 2021
Amplified fragment length polymorphism-based genetic diversity among cultivated and weedy rye (Secale cereale L.) accessions
T Chikmawati, M Miftahudin, B Skovmand, JP Gustafson
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 59, 1743-1752, 2012
Ethnomedical Herb from Cikondang Indigenous Village, District Bandung West Java Indonesia
B Ramdhan, T Chikmawati, WE Baroto
Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 6 (2), 277-288, 2015
Structural and functional analyses of the wheat genomes based on expressed sequence tags (ESTs) related to abiotic stresses
J Ramalingam, MS Pathan, O Feril, Miftahudin, K Ross, XF Ma, ...
Genome 49 (10), 1324-1340, 2006
Correlation of Morphological Characteristics with the Presence of Indican In Indigofera spp. Dyestuff
Muzzazinah, T Chikmawati, NS Ariyanti
Sains Malaysiana 45 (6), 2016
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