Tamas Szűts
Tamas Szűts
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
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The spider tree of life: phylogeny of Araneae based on target‐gene analyses from an extensive taxon sampling
WC Wheeler, JA Coddington, LM Crowley, D Dimitrov, PA Goloboff, ...
Cladistics 33 (6), 574-616, 2017
Reconstructing web evolution and spider diversification in the molecular era
TA Blackledge, N Scharff, JA Coddington, T Szüts, JW Wenzel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (13), 5229-5234, 2009
Rapid biodiversity assessment of spiders (Araneae) using semi‐quantitative sampling: a case study in a Mediterranean forest
P Cardoso, N Scharff, C Gaspar, SS Henriques, R Carvalho, PH Castro, ...
Insect Conservation and Diversity 1 (2), 71-84, 2008
Are spiders reacting to local or landscape scale effects in Hungarian pastures?
P Batáry, A Báldi, F Samu, T Szűts, S Erdős
Biological Conservation 141 (8), 2062-2070, 2008
Phylogeny of the orb‐weaving spider family Araneidae (Araneae: Araneoidea)
N Scharff, JA Coddington, TA Blackledge, I Agnarsson, VW Framenau, ...
Cladistics 36 (1), 1-21, 2020
Species richness and composition assessment of spiders in a Mediterranean scrubland
P Cardoso, SS Henriques, C Gaspar, LC Crespo, R Carvalho, JB Schmidt, ...
Journal of Insect Conservation 13, 45-55, 2009
Tarsal organ morphology and the phylogeny of goblin spiders (Araneae, Oonopidae), with notes on basal genera
NI Platnick, N Abrahim, F Álvarez-Padilla, D Andriamalala, BC Baehr, ...
American Museum Novitates 2012 (3736), 1-52, 2012
The velvet spiders: an atlas of the Eresidae (Arachnida, Araneae)
JA Miller, CE Griswold, N Scharff, M Řezáč, T Szűts, M Marhabaie
ZooKeys, 1, 2012
The same but different: equally megadiverse but taxonomically variant spider communities along an elevational gradient
J Malumbres-Olarte, L Crespo, P Cardoso, T Szűts, W Fannes, T Pape, ...
Acta Oecologica 88, 19-28, 2018
Myrmarachnine jumping spiders of the new subtribe Levieina from Papua New Guinea (Araneae, Salticidae, Myrmarachnini)
WP Maddison, T Szűts
ZooKeys 842, 85, 2019
Giant Goblins above the waves at the southern end of the world: The biogeography of the spider family Orsolobidae (Araneae, Dysderoidea)
N Chousou‐Polydouri, A Carmichael, T Szűts, A Saucedo, R Gillespie, ...
Journal of Biogeography 46 (2), 332-342, 2019
Redescriptions of little known jumping spider genera (Araneae: Salticidae) from West Africa
T Szűts, N Scharff
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (4), 357-378, 2005
Bacelarella (Araneae, Salticidae) in eastern Côte d’Ivoire: salticid radiation in a poorly lit environment
R Jocqué, T Szûts
Annales du Musée royal de l’Afrique Centrale (Zoologie) 285, 93-99, 2001
New species in the genus Bacelarella (Araneae, Salticidae) from Côte d’Ivoire
T Szûts, R Jocqué
Annales du Musée royal de l’Afrique Centrale (Zoologie) 285, 77-92, 2001
The first lowland species of the Holarctic alpine ground spider genus Parasyrisca (Araneae, Gnaphosidae) from Hungary
C Szinetár, J Eichardt, T Szuts
ZooKeys 16, 197, 2009
Check list of the Hungarian Salticidae with biogeographical notes
T SzUTS, C Szinetár, F Samu, É Szita
Arachnologische Mitteilungen Basel 25, 45-61, 2003
Faunistical investigations on the spider fauna (Araneae) of the Fertő-Hanság National Park
É Szita, C Szinetár, T Szűts
The fauna of the Fertő-Hanság National Park I. Hungarian Natural History …, 2002
The velvet spiders: an atlas of the Eresidae (Arachnida, Araneae). Zookeys 195: 1–144
JA Miller, CE Griswold, N Scharff, M Řezáč, T Szűts, M Marhabaie
A Nyugat-magyarországi peremvidék (Győr-Moson-Sopron, Vas és Zala megyék) pókfaunája
P Kovács, C Szinetár, T Szűts
NYME Savaria Egyetemi Központ Tudományos Közleményei XIX …, 2012
Revision of the living members of the genus Tomocyrba Simon, 1900 (Araneae: Salticidae)
T Szűts, N Scharff
Contributions to natural History 12, 1337-1372, 2009
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