Marina Corrêa Côrtes
Marina Corrêa Côrtes
Professora assistente doutora, Universidade Estadual Paulista
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Functional extinction of birds drives rapid evolutionary changes in seed size
M Galetti, R Guevara, MC Côrtes, R Fadini, S Von Matter, AB Leite, ...
Science 340 (6136), 1086-1090, 2013
Integrating frugivory and animal movement: a review of the evidence and implications for scaling seed dispersal
MC Côrtes, M Uriarte
Biological Reviews 88 (2), 255-272, 2013
Expansion of sugarcane production in São Paulo, Brazil: implications for fire occurrence and respiratory health
M Uriarte, CB Yackulic, T Cooper, D Flynn, M Cortes, T Crk, G Cullman, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 132 (1-2), 48-56, 2009
Decay of interspecific avian flock networks along a disturbance gradient in Amazonia
K Mokross, TB Ryder, MC Côrtes, JD Wolfe, PC Stouffer
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1776), 20132599, 2014
Contemporary and historic factors influence differently genetic differentiation and diversity in a tropical palm
C da Silva Carvalho, MC Ribeiro, MC Côrtes, M Galetti, RG Collevatti
Heredity 115 (3), 216-224, 2015
Climatic stability and contemporary human impacts affect the genetic diversity and conservation status of a tropical palm in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil
CS Carvalho, L Ballesteros-Mejia, MC Ribeiro, MC Côrtes, AS Santos, ...
Conservation Genetics 18, 467-478, 2017
Linking frugivore activity to early recruitment of a bird dispersed tree, Eugenia umbelliflora (Myrtaceae) in the Atlantic rainforest
MC Cortes, E Cazetta, VG Staggemeier, M Galetti
Austral Ecology 34 (3), 249-258, 2009
Low plant density enhances gene dispersal in the Amazonian understory herb Heliconia acuminata
MC Côrtes, M Uriarte, MR Lemes, R Gribel, W John Kress, PE Smouse, ...
Molecular Ecology 22 (22), 5716-5729, 2013
Temporal variation in the abundance of two species of thrushes in relation to fruiting phenology in the Atlantic rainforest
ER de Castro, MC Côrtes, L Navarro, M Galetti, LPC Morellato
Emu-Austral Ornithology 112 (2), 137-148, 2012
Mistletoes play different roles in a modular host–parasite network
J Genini, MC Côrtes, PR Guimarães Jr, M Galetti
Biotropica 44 (2), 171-178, 2012
Extant fruit‐eating birds promote genetically diverse seed rain, but disperse to fewer sites in defaunated tropical forests
CS Carvalho, C García, MS Lucas, P Jordano, MC Côrtes
Journal of Ecology 109 (2), 1055-1067, 2021
Optimized protocol to isolate high quality genomic DNA from different tissues of a palm species
MS Lucas, CS Carvalho, GB Hypolito, MC Côrtes
Hoehnea 46 (02), e942018, 2019
Variação espacial nas interações entre o palmito Euterpe edulis e as aves frugívoras: implicações para a dispersão de sementes
MC Côrtes
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2006
Characterization of 10 microsatellite markers for the understorey Amazonian herb Heliconia acuminata
MC Côrtes, V Gowda, WJ Kress, EM Bruna, M Uriarte
Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (4), 1261-1264, 2009
Rescuing intraspecific variation in human‐impacted environments
CS Carvalho, MS Lucas, MC Côrtes
Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (2), 350-359, 2021
Breeding systems and genetic diversity in tropical carpenter ant colonies: different strategies for similar outcomes in Brazilian Cerrado savanna
M Azevedo-Silva, GM Mori, CS Carvalho, MC Côrtes, AP Souza, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 190 (3), 1020-1035, 2020
Matrix dominance and landscape resistance affect genetic variability and differentiation of an Atlantic Forest pioneer tree
J Silveira dos Santos, LC Vitorino, R Fabrega Gonçalves, ...
Landscape Ecology 37 (10), 2481-2501, 2022
The individual‐based network structure of palm‐seed dispersers is explained by a rainforest gradient
P Friedemann, MC Côrtes, ER de Castro, M Galetti, P Jordano, ...
Oikos 2022 (2), 2022
Vulnerabilidade das microrregiões da Região Sul do Brasil à pandemia do novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2)
C Emer, KP Maia, PC Santana, EM Santana, S DGMd, LG Cosmo, ...
Agriculturally developed areas reduce genetic connectivity for a keystone neotropical ungulate
MSP Baptista, A Keuroghlian, LR Tambosi, MC Côrtes, F de Góes Maciel, ...
Biotropica 57 (1), e13418, 2025
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