Ian D Hollingsworth
Ian D Hollingsworth
Charles Darwin University
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The causes of decline in eucalypt communities and possible ameliorative approaches
ID Jolly, GR Walker, ID Hollingsworth, SR Eldridge, PJ Thorburn, ...
WATER RESOUR. SER. 1996., 1996
The cause of black box decline in the Chowilla Anabranch region, South Australia and possible ameliorative approaches
ID Jolly, GR Walker, PJ Thorburn, ID Hollingsworth
Catchments of Green: a national conference on vegetation and water …, 1992
Effect of landuse on the composition of throughflow water immediately above clayey B horizons in the Warren Catchment, South Australia
R Naidu, DR Williamson, RW Fitzpatrick, IO Hollingsworth
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 33 (2), 239-244, 1993
A reconnaissance soil survey of the Chowilla anabranch system of the River Murray in South Australia and New South Wales
ID Hollingsworth, AP Meissner, G Davies
South Australian Department of Agriculture Report to the Murray-Darling …, 1990
A soil-site evaluation index of productivity in intensively managed Pinus radiata (D. Don) plantations in South Australia
ID Hollingsworth, R Boardman, RW Fitzpatrick
Environmental monitoring and assessment 39, 531-541, 1996
A soil‐diagnostic key to manage saline and waterlogged catchments in the Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia
RW Fitzpatrick, JW Cox, E Fritsch, ID Hollingsworth
Soil Use and Management 10 (4), 145-152, 1994
Assessing landscape reconstruction at the Ranger mine using landform evolution modelling
JBC Lowry, KG Evans, DR Moliere, I Hollingsworth
Mine Closure 2006: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Mine …, 2006
Rule-based land unit mapping of the Tiwi Islands, Northern Territory, Australia
ID Hollingsworth, EN Bui, IOA Odeh, P McLeod
Developments in Soil Science 31, 401-621, 2006
Status of the Ranger irrigation areas–final report
I Hollingsworth, R Overall, A Puhalovich
EWL Sciences Pty Ltd, Darwin, Australia, 2005
Nature and origin of a duripan in a Durixeralf-Duraqualf toposequence: micromorphological aspects
ID Hollingsworth, RW Fitzpatrick
Developments in Soil Science 22, 835-844, 1993
The Physical Properties of Mixtures of A and B Horizons and Evaluation of Profile Mixing for Management of Trangie Red-Brown Earth
ID Hollingsworth, A Cass, D McLeod
Mine landform design using natural analogues
ID Hollingsworth
University of Sydney, 2010
Landscape reconstruction at Ranger mine
I Hollingsworth, J Lowry
Proceedings of the North Australian Remote Sensing and GIS Conference, 2005
Ecosystem reconstruction for the Ranger Mine final landform–phase 1 target habitats
ID Hollingsworth, A Zimmermann, M Harwood, L Corbett, T Milnes, ...
EWLS report for ERA Ranger Mine, 2003
Selected properties of the incipient soils developing on coal mining wastes, Bowen Basin, Australia
AV Spain, I Hollingsworth
Mine Closure 2016: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mine …, 2016
Development of predictive habitat suitability models of vegetation communities associated with the rehabilitated Ranger final landform
C Humphrey, I Hollingsworth, G Fox
eriss research summary 2004–2005, 86-98, 2006
Soil assessment manual: a practical guide for recognition of soils and climatic features with potential to cause faults in optical fi bre cables
RW Fitzpatrick, MJ Wright, PG Slade, ID Hollingsworth, P Peter
Con fidential report to Telstra 52, 1995
Distribution and properties of soils in an experimental sub-catchment with altered soil water regimes near Cooke Plains, South Australia.
ID Hollingsworth, RW Fitzpatrick, WH Hudnall
Pillars Of Sustainable Development–Land Capability And Conceptual Project Design
ID Hollingsworth
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 3 (2), 210-234, 2020
Landscape Reconstruction Using Analogues at Ranger Mine, Northern Territory, Australia
I Hollingsworth, J Croton, I Odeh, E Buli, D Klessa
Mine Closure 2006: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Mine …, 2006
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