Hollis C. Karoly
Hollis C. Karoly
Associate Professor, University of Colorado Anschutz
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Association of naturalistic administration of cannabis flower and concentrates with intoxication and impairment
LC Bidwell, JM Ellingson, HC Karoly, SL YorkWilliams, LN Hitchcock, ...
JAMA psychiatry 77 (8), 787-796, 2020
Evaluating the Hispanic paradox in the context of adolescent risky sexual behavior: The role of parent monitoring
HC Karoly, T Callahan, SJ Schmiege, SW Feldstein Ewing
Journal of pediatric psychology 41 (4), 429-440, 2016
Is (poly-) substance use associated with impaired inhibitory control? A mega-analysis controlling for confounders
Y Liu, WPM van den Wildenberg, Y De Graaf, SL Ames, A Baldacchino, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 105, 288-304, 2019
Does incentive-elicited nucleus accumbens activation differ by substance of abuse? An examination with adolescents
HC Karoly, AD Bryan, BJ Weiland, A Mayer, A Dodd, SWF Ewing
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 16, 5-15, 2015
Structural neuroimaging correlates of alcohol and cannabis use in adolescents and adults
RE Thayer, S YorkWilliams, HC Karoly, A Sabbineni, SF Ewing, AD Bryan, ...
Addiction 112 (12), 2144-2154, 2017
Genetic influences on physiological and subjective responses to an aerobic exercise session among sedentary adults
HC Karoly, CJ Stevens, RE Magnan, N Harlaar, KE Hutchison, AD Bryan
Journal of cancer epidemiology 2012 (1), 540563, 2012
Advancing the science on cannabis concentrates and behavioural health
LC Bidwell, R Martin‐Willett, HC Karoly
Drug and Alcohol Review 40 (6), 900-913, 2021
Investigating a novel fMRI cannabis cue reactivity task in youth
HC Karoly, JP Schacht, LR Meredith, J Jacobus, SF Tapert, KM Gray, ...
Addictive behaviors 89, 20-28, 2019
Exploring cannabis and alcohol co-use in adolescents: a narrative review of the evidence
HC Karoly, JM Ross, JM Ellingson, SW Feldstein Ewing
Journal of dual diagnosis 16 (1), 58-74, 2020
Cannabinoids and the microbiota–gut–brain axis: Emerging effects of cannabidiol and potential applications to alcohol use disorders
HC Karoly, RL Mueller, LC Bidwell, KE Hutchison
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 44 (2), 340-353, 2020
Investigating the relationships between alcohol consumption, cannabis use, and circulating cytokines: a preliminary analysis
HC Karoly, LC Bidwell, RL Mueller, KE Hutchison
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 42 (3), 531-539, 2018
DRD2 promoter methylation and measures of alcohol reward: functional activation of reward circuits and clinical severity
LC Bidwell, HC Karoly, RE Thayer, ED Claus, AD Bryan, BJ Weiland, ...
Addiction biology 24 (3), 539-548, 2019
Substance use disorders: a theory‐driven approach to the integration of genetics and neuroimaging
HC Karoly, N Harlaar, KE Hutchison
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1282 (1), 71-91, 2013
Effects of cannabidiol in cannabis flower: Implications for harm reduction
LP Gibson, HC Karoly, JM Ellingson, J Klawitter, C Sempio, JE Squeri, ...
Addiction biology 27 (1), e13092, 2022
Effects of high-potency cannabis on psychomotor performance in frequent cannabis users
HC Karoly, MA Milburn, A Brooks-Russell, M Brown, J Streufert, AD Bryan, ...
Cannabis and cannabinoid research 7 (1), 107-115, 2022
Within-family effects of smoking during pregnancy on ADHD: the importance of phenotype
K Marceau, L Cinnamon Bidwell, HC Karoly, AS Evans, AA Todorov, ...
Journal of abnormal child psychology 46, 685-699, 2018
Aerobic exercise moderates the effect of heavy alcohol consumption on white matter damage
HC Karoly, CJ Stevens, RE Thayer, RE Magnan, AD Bryan, KE Hutchison
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 37 (9), 1508-1515, 2013
Understanding and taking stock of positive emotion disturbance
J Gruber, C Villanueva, E Burr, JR Purcell, H Karoly
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 14 (1), e12515, 2020
Clinical neuroscience of addiction: similarities and differences between alcohol and other drugs
HC Karoly, SL YorkWilliams, KE Hutchison
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 39 (11), 2073-2084, 2015
Preliminary evidence that computerized approach avoidance training is not associated with changes in fMRI cannabis cue reactivity in non-treatment-seeking adolescent cannabis users
HC Karoly, JP Schacht, J Jacobus, LR Meredith, CT Taylor, SF Tapert, ...
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 200, 145-152, 2019
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