Nicholas Evans
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Covid-19: control measures must be equitable and inclusive
ZD Berger, NG Evans, AL Phelan, RD Silverman
Bmj 368, 2020
Human flourishing, human dignity, and human rights
J Kleinig, NG Evans
Law and Philosophy 32 (5), 539-564, 2013
The Routledge Handbook of War and Ethics: Just War Theory in the 21st Century
F Allhoff, NG Evans, A Henschke
A transatlantic perspective on 20 emerging issues in biological engineering
BC Wintle, CR Boehm, C Rhodes, JC Molloy, P Millett, L Adam, ...
Elife 6, e30247, 2017
The ethics of biosafety considerations in gain-of-function research resulting in the creation of potential pandemic pathogens
NG Evans, M Lipsitch, M Levinson
Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (11), 901-908, 2015
Reinforcement learning based cooperative longitudinal control for reducing traffic oscillations and improving platoon stability
L Jiang, Y Xie, NG Evans, X Wen, T Li, D Chen
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 141, 103744, 2022
Long covid and disability: a brave new world
B Hereth, P Tubig, A Sorrels, A Muldoon, K Hills, NG Evans
Bmj 378, 2022
Diverging ion motion in an inertial electrostatic confinement discharge
O Shrier, J Khachan, S Bosi, M Fitzgerald, N Evans
Physics of plasmas 13 (1), 2006
Biosecurity and open-source biology: the promise and peril of distributed synthetic biological technologies
NG Evans, MJ Selgelid
Science and engineering ethics 21, 1065-1083, 2015
Bioengineering horizon scan 2020
L Kemp, L Adam, CR Boehm, R Breitling, R Casagrande, M Dando, ...
Elife 9, e54489, 2020
Facebook emotional contagion experiment controversy
D Hunter, N Evans
Research Ethics 12 (1), 2-3, 2016
Great expectations—ethics, avian flu and the value of progress
NG Evans
Journal of medical ethics 39 (4), 209-213, 2013
COVID-19 risk perception and vaccine acceptance in individuals with self-reported chronic respiratory or autoimmune conditions
BA Smith, EE Ricotta, JL Kwan, NG Evans
Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology 19 (1), 37, 2023
Emerging ethical considerations for the use of artificial intelligence in ophthalmology
NG Evans, DM Wenner, IG Cohen, D Purves, MF Chiang, DSW Ting, ...
Ophthalmology Science 2 (2), 100141, 2022
Dual-use decision making: relational and positional issues
NG Evans
Monash Bioethics Review 32, 268-283, 2014
Dampen the stop-and-go traffic with connected and automated vehicles–a deep reinforcement learning approach
L Jiang, Y Xie, X Wen, D Chen, T Li, NG Evans
2021 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent …, 2021
Covid-19, equity, and inclusiveness
NG Evans, ZD Berger, AL Phelan, RD Silverman
bmj 373, 2021
The social value of candidate HIV cures: actualism versus possibilism
R Brown, NG Evans
Journal of medical ethics 43 (2), 118-123, 2017
Ethical and philosophical considerations for gain-of-function policy: the importance of alternate experiments
NG Evans
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 6, 11, 2018
Speak no evil: Scientists, responsibility, and the public understanding of science
NG Evans
NanoEthics 4, 215-220, 2010
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