Derek F. Keenan
Derek F. Keenan
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Effect of thermal and high hydrostatic pressure processing on antioxidant activity and colour of fruit smoothies
DF Keenan, NP Brunton, TR Gormley, F Butler, BK Tiwari, A Patras
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 11 (4), 551-556, 2010
Effect of high hydrostatic pressure and thermal processing on the nutritional quality and enzyme activity of fruit smoothies
DF Keenan, C Rößle, R Gormley, F Butler, NP Brunton
LWT-Food Science and Technology 45 (1), 50-57, 2012
Modelling the influence of inulin as a fat substitute in comminuted meat products on their physico-chemical characteristics and eating quality using a mixture design approach
DF Keenan, VC Resconi, JP Kerry, RM Hamill
Meat Science 96 (3), 1384-1394, 2014
The effect of thermal treatments including sous-vide, blast freezing and their combinations on beef tenderness of M. ásemitendinosus steaks targeted at elderly consumers
C Botinestean, DF Keenan, JP Kerry, RM Hamill
LWT 74, 154-159, 2016
Ultrasound assisted diffusion of sodium salt replacer and effect on physicochemical properties of pork meat
KS Ojha, DF Keenan, A Bright, JP Kerry, BK Tiwari
International journal of food science and technology 51 (1), 37-45, 2016
Flavour profiling of fresh and processed fruit smoothies by instrumental and sensory analysis
DF Keenan, NP Brunton, M Mitchell, R Gormley, F Butler
Food Research International 45 (1), 17-25, 2012
Evaluation of thermal and high hydrostatic pressure processed apple purees enriched with prebiotic inclusions
DF Keenan, N Brunton, F Butler, R Wouters, R Gormley
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 12 (3), 261-268, 2011
Effects of thermal and high hydrostatic pressure processing and storage on the content of polyphenols and some quality attributes of fruit smoothies
DF Keenan, N Brunton, R Gormley, F Butler
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59 (2), 601-607, 2011
The effect of partial-fat substitutions with encapsulated and unencapsulated fish oils on the technological and eating quality of beef burgers over storage
DF Keenan, VC Resconi, TJ Smyth, C Botinestean, C Lefranc, JP Kerry, ...
Meat Science 107, 75-85, 2015
Effect of sonication on the bioactive, quality and rheological characteristics of fruit smoothies
DF Keenan, BK Tiwari, A Patras, R Gormley, F Butler, NP Brunton
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 47 (4), 827-836, 2012
Rice starch and fructo-oligosaccharides as substitutes for phosphate and dextrose in whole muscle cooked hams: Sensory analysis and consumer preferences
VC Resconi, DF Keenan, M Barahona, L Guerrero, JP Kerry, RM Hamill
LWT-Food Science and Technology 66, 284-292, 2016
Selecting apple cultivars for use in ready-to-eat desserts based on multivariate analyses of physico-chemical properties
DF Keenan, J Valverde, R Gormley, F Butler, NP Brunton
LWT-Food Science and Technology 48 (2), 308-315, 2012
The effects of potato and rice starch as substitutes for phosphate in and degree of comminution on the technological, instrumental and sensory characteristics of restructured ham
VC Resconi, DF Keenan, E García, P Allen, JP Kerry, RM Hamill
Meat Science 121, 127-134, 2016
Pork meat quality, production and processing on
DF Keenan
Academic Press, 2016
Mechanical and biochemical methods for rigor measurement: Relationship with eating quality
C Alvarez, L Morán, DF Keenan, AM Mullen, G Delgado-Pando
Journal of Food quality 2019 (1), 1894543, 2019
Response surface methodology analysis of rice starch and fructo-oligosaccharides as substitutes for phosphate and dextrose in whole muscle cooked hams
VC Resconi, DF Keenan, S Gough, L Doran, P Allen, JP Kerry, RM Hamill
LWT-Food Science and Technology 64 (2), 946-958, 2015
Optimization of protein recovery from bovine lung by pH shift process using response surface methodology
SA Lynch, C Álvarez, EE O'Neill, DF Keenan, AM Mullen
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98 (5), 1951-1960, 2018
Investigating the influence of inulin as a fat substitute in comminuted products using rheology, calorimetric and microscopy techniques
DF Keenan, MAE Auty, L Doran, JP Kerry, RM Hamill
Food Structure 2 (1-2), 1-13, 2014
The effect of hot-boning and reduced added phosphate on the processing and sensory properties of cured beef prepared from two forequarter muscles
DF Keenan, EM Desmond, JE Hayes, TA Kenny, JP Kerry
Meat science 84 (4), 691-698, 2010
Observations on the water distribution and extractable sugar content in carrot slices after pulsed electric field treatment
I Aguiló-Aguayo, G Downey, DF Keenan, JG Lyng, N Brunton, DK Rai
Food Research International 64, 18-24, 2014
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