Molly Louise Kelton
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Playing mathematical instruments: Emerging perceptuomotor integration with an interactive mathematics exhibit
R Nemirovsky, ML Kelton, B Rhodehamel
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 44 (2), 372-415, 2013
Student perceptions of pedagogy and associated persistence in calculus
J Ellis, ML Kelton, C Rasmussen
Zdm 46, 661-673, 2014
Prospectively assessed posttraumatic stress disorder and associated physical activity
CA LeardMann, ML Kelton, B Smith, AJ Littman, EJ Boyko, TS Wells, ...
Public health reports 126 (3), 371-383, 2011
Gesture and imagination: On the constitution and uses of phantasms
R Nemirovsky, ML Kelton, B Rhodehamel
Gesture 12 (2), 130-165, 2012
Reconfiguring mathematical settings and activity through multi-party, whole-body collaboration
ML Kelton, JY Ma
Educational Studies in Mathematics 98, 177-196, 2018
Toward a vibrant and socially significant informal mathematics education
R Nemirovsky, ML Kelton, M Civil
Compendium for research in mathematics education, 968-979, 2017
STEAM-y partnerships: A case of interdisciplinary professional development and collaboration
ML Kelton, P Saraniero
Journal of Museum Education 43 (1), 55-65, 2018
Assembling a torus: Family mobilities in an immersive mathematics exhibition
ML Kelton, JY Ma
Cognition and Instruction 38 (3), 318-347, 2020
Exploratory factor analysis of self-reported symptoms in a large, population-based military cohort
ML Kelton, CA LeardMann, B Smith, EJ Boyko, TI Hooper, GD Gackstetter, ...
BMC Medical Research Methodology 10, 1-11, 2010
Family meshworks: children’s geographies and collective ambulatory sense-making in an immersive mathematics exhibition
ML Kelton, JY Ma, C Rawlings, B Rhodehamel, P Saraniero, ...
Children's Geographies 16 (5), 543-557, 2018
Math on the move: A video-based study of school field trips to a mathematics exhibition
ML Kelton
San Diego State University, 2015
Mathematics learning pathways on a school fieldtrip: Interactional practices linking school and museum activity
ML Kelton
Visitor Studies 24 (2), 220-242, 2021
Demo of Collaborative Dynamic Mathematics in Virtual Math Teams
G Stahl, A Mantoan, S Weimar
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2013
“Discover and Explore”: Creating Impactful STEAM Learning Experiences for Museum Professionals
P Saraniero, ML Kelton
Curator: The Museum Journal 62 (4), 545-555, 2019
Integrating arts with STEM to foster systems thinking
E Grace, ML Kelton, JP Owen, AMD Martinez, A White, RW Danielson, ...
Afterschool matters 34, 11, 2021
“Your truth isn’t the Truth”: Data activities and informal inferential reasoning
SC Radke, R Krishnamoorthy, JY Ma, ML Kelton
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 69, 101053, 2023
Developing concepts in a study of mathematics learning pathways
JY Ma, ML Kelton
Mathematics Education and Life at Times of Crisis, 277, 2017
Politics and aesthetics of museum mathematics: the dissensual curriculum of early 21st century mathematics exhibitions
ML Kelton, R Nemirovsky
Journal of Curriculum Studies 55 (1), 82-104, 2023
Facilitating Systems Thinking Through Arts-Based STEM Integration
RW Danielson, E Grace, AJ White, ML Kelton, JP Owen, K Saba Fisher, ...
Frontiers in education 7, 915333, 2022
Toward conceptualizing resources for learning across settings
JY Ma, ML Kelton, SC Radke, D Della Volpe
14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences: The …, 2020
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