Christopher Fagg
Christopher Fagg
Professor Adjunto, Universidade de Brasília
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Flora vascular do bioma Cerrado: checklist com 12.356 espécies
RC Mendonça, JM Felfili, BMT Walter, MC Silva-Júnior, AV Rezende, ...
Cerrado: ecologia e flora 2, 423-1279, 2008
Floristic relationships of seasonally dry forests of eastern South America based on tree species distribution patterns
AT Oliveira-Filho, J Jarenkow, MJN Rodal
Neotropical savannas and seasonally dry forests, 159-192, 2006
The value of Acacia and Prosopis in arid and semi-arid environments
CW Fagg, JL Stewart
Journal of Arid Environments 27 (1), 3-25, 1994
Diversity, floristic and structural patterns of cerrado vegetation in Central Brazil
JM Felfili, MC da Silva Júnior, AC Sevilha, CW Fagg, BM Teles Walter, ...
Plant Ecology 175 (1), 37-46, 2004
Native foods from Brazilian biodiversity as a source of bioactive compounds
VB Oliveira, LT Yamada, CW Fagg, MGL Brandão
Food Research International 48 (1), 170-179, 2012
Faidherbia albida monograph and annotated bibliography.
RD Barnes, CW Fagg
Useful Brazilian plants listed in the field books of the French naturalist Auguste de Saint-Hilaire (1779–1853)
MGL Brandão, M Pignal, S Romaniuc, CFF Grael, CW Fagg
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 143 (2), 488-500, 2012
Extracts of Morus nigra L. Leaves Standardized in Chlorogenic Acid, Rutin and Isoquercitrin: Tyrosinase Inhibition and Cytotoxicity
MM de Freitas, PR Fontes, PM Souza, C William Fagg, ...
PloS one 11 (9), e0163130, 2016
Flora fanerogâmica das matas de galeria e ciliares do Brasil Central
JM Felfili, RC Mendonça, BMT Walter, MC Silva Júnior, MGG Nóbrega, ...
JF Ribeiro; CEL Fonseca & JC Souza-Silva. Cerrado: caracterização e …, 2001
Recuperação de matas de galeria.
JM Felfili, JF Ribeiro, CW Fagg, JWB Machado
Planaltina, DF: Embrapa Cerrados, 2000., 2000
Floristic composition and community structure of a seasonally deciduous forest on limestone outcrops in Central Brazil
JM Felfili, ART Nascimento, CW Fagg, EM Meirelles
Brazilian Journal of Botany 30, 611-621, 2007
Floristic composition, diversity and structure of the" cerrado" sensu stricto on rocky soils in northern Goiás and southern Tocantins, Brazil
JM Felfili, CW Fagg
Brazilian Journal of Botany 30, 375-385, 2007
Realising the potential of herbarium records for conservation biology
M Greve, AM Lykke, CW Fagg, RE Gereau, GP Lewis, R Marchant, ...
South African Journal of Botany 105, 317-323, 2016
Acacia senegal and the gum arabic trade: monograph and annotated bibliography.
CW Fagg, GE Allison
Cerrado: ecologia e flora
RC Mendonça, JM Felfili, BMT Walter, MC Silva-Júnior, AV Rezende, ...
Brasília, DF: EMBRAPA Informação e Tecnologia 2, 2008
Field guide to the acacias of Zimbabwe.
J Timberlak, C Fagg, R Barnes
Desenvolvimento inicial e repartição de biomassa de Amburana cearensis (Allemao) AC Smith, em diferentes condições de sombreamento
KMO Ramos, JM Felfili, CW Fagg, JC Sousa-Silva, AC Franco
Acta botânica brasílica 18, 351-358, 2004
Florestas estacionais e áreas de ecótono no estado do Tocantins, Brasil: parâmetros estruturais, classificação das fitofisionomias florestais e subsídios para conservação
RF Haidar, JMF Fagg, JRR Pinto, RR Dias, G Damasco, LCR Silva, ...
Acta Amazonica 43, 261-290, 2013
Frutos e sementes do Cerrado: atrativos para fauna: guia de campo
M Kuhlmann, CW Fagg
Rede de Sementes do Cerrado, 2012
Violências contra adolescentes: análise das notificações realizadas no setor saúde, Brasil, 2011-2017
VOM Pereira, IV Pinto, MDM Mascarenhas, HE Shimizu, WM Ramalho, ...
Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia 23 (Suppl 01), e200004. SUPL. 1, 2020
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