Flora vascular do bioma Cerrado: checklist com 12.356 espécies RC Mendonça, JM Felfili, BMT Walter, MC Silva-Júnior, AV Rezende, ... Cerrado: ecologia e flora 2, 423-1279, 2008 | 618 | 2008 |
Floristic relationships of seasonally dry forests of eastern South America based on tree species distribution patterns AT Oliveira-Filho, J Jarenkow, MJN Rodal Neotropical savannas and seasonally dry forests, 159-192, 2006 | 335 | 2006 |
The value of Acacia and Prosopis in arid and semi-arid environments CW Fagg, JL Stewart Journal of Arid Environments 27 (1), 3-25, 1994 | 252 | 1994 |
Diversity, floristic and structural patterns of cerrado vegetation in Central Brazil JM Felfili, MC da Silva Júnior, AC Sevilha, CW Fagg, BM Teles Walter, ... Plant Ecology 175 (1), 37-46, 2004 | 235 | 2004 |
Native foods from Brazilian biodiversity as a source of bioactive compounds VB Oliveira, LT Yamada, CW Fagg, MGL Brandão Food Research International 48 (1), 170-179, 2012 | 199 | 2012 |
Faidherbia albida monograph and annotated bibliography. RD Barnes, CW Fagg | 125 | 2003 |
Useful Brazilian plants listed in the field books of the French naturalist Auguste de Saint-Hilaire (1779–1853) MGL Brandão, M Pignal, S Romaniuc, CFF Grael, CW Fagg Journal of Ethnopharmacology 143 (2), 488-500, 2012 | 119 | 2012 |
Extracts of Morus nigra L. Leaves Standardized in Chlorogenic Acid, Rutin and Isoquercitrin: Tyrosinase Inhibition and Cytotoxicity MM de Freitas, PR Fontes, PM Souza, C William Fagg, ... PloS one 11 (9), e0163130, 2016 | 113 | 2016 |
Flora fanerogâmica das matas de galeria e ciliares do Brasil Central JM Felfili, RC Mendonça, BMT Walter, MC Silva Júnior, MGG Nóbrega, ... JF Ribeiro; CEL Fonseca & JC Souza-Silva. Cerrado: caracterização e …, 2001 | 113 | 2001 |
Recuperação de matas de galeria. JM Felfili, JF Ribeiro, CW Fagg, JWB Machado Planaltina, DF: Embrapa Cerrados, 2000., 2000 | 112 | 2000 |
Floristic composition and community structure of a seasonally deciduous forest on limestone outcrops in Central Brazil JM Felfili, ART Nascimento, CW Fagg, EM Meirelles Brazilian Journal of Botany 30, 611-621, 2007 | 111 | 2007 |
Floristic composition, diversity and structure of the" cerrado" sensu stricto on rocky soils in northern Goiás and southern Tocantins, Brazil JM Felfili, CW Fagg Brazilian Journal of Botany 30, 375-385, 2007 | 97 | 2007 |
Realising the potential of herbarium records for conservation biology M Greve, AM Lykke, CW Fagg, RE Gereau, GP Lewis, R Marchant, ... South African Journal of Botany 105, 317-323, 2016 | 91 | 2016 |
Acacia senegal and the gum arabic trade: monograph and annotated bibliography. CW Fagg, GE Allison | 88 | 2004 |
Cerrado: ecologia e flora RC Mendonça, JM Felfili, BMT Walter, MC Silva-Júnior, AV Rezende, ... Brasília, DF: EMBRAPA Informação e Tecnologia 2, 2008 | 87 | 2008 |
Field guide to the acacias of Zimbabwe. J Timberlak, C Fagg, R Barnes | 77 | 1999 |
Desenvolvimento inicial e repartição de biomassa de Amburana cearensis (Allemao) AC Smith, em diferentes condições de sombreamento KMO Ramos, JM Felfili, CW Fagg, JC Sousa-Silva, AC Franco Acta botânica brasílica 18, 351-358, 2004 | 71 | 2004 |
Florestas estacionais e áreas de ecótono no estado do Tocantins, Brasil: parâmetros estruturais, classificação das fitofisionomias florestais e subsídios para conservação RF Haidar, JMF Fagg, JRR Pinto, RR Dias, G Damasco, LCR Silva, ... Acta Amazonica 43, 261-290, 2013 | 70 | 2013 |
Frutos e sementes do Cerrado: atrativos para fauna: guia de campo M Kuhlmann, CW Fagg Rede de Sementes do Cerrado, 2012 | 67 | 2012 |
Violências contra adolescentes: análise das notificações realizadas no setor saúde, Brasil, 2011-2017 VOM Pereira, IV Pinto, MDM Mascarenhas, HE Shimizu, WM Ramalho, ... Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia 23 (Suppl 01), e200004. SUPL. 1, 2020 | 60 | 2020 |