Karl-Heinz Frommolt
Karl-Heinz Frommolt
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
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Detecting bird sounds in a complex acoustic environment and application to bioacoustic monitoring
R Bardeli, D Wolff, F Kurth, M Koch, KH Tauchert, KH Frommolt
Pattern Recognition Letters 31 (12), 1524-1534, 2010
Barking foxes, Alopex lagopus: field experiments in individual recognition in a territorial mammal
KH Frommolt, ME Goltsman, DW Macdonald
Animal Behaviour 65 (3), 509-518, 2003
Applying bioacoustic methods for long-term monitoring of a nocturnal wetland bird
KH Frommolt, KH Tauchert
Ecological Informatics 21, 4-12, 2014
Towards a multisensor station for automated biodiversity monitoring
JW Wägele, P Bodesheim, SJ Bourlat, J Denzler, M Diepenbroek, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 59, 105-138, 2022
Information obtained from long-term acoustic recordings: applying bioacoustic techniques for monitoring wetland birds during breeding season
KH Frommolt
Journal of Ornithology 158, 659-668, 2017
Baseline data for automated acoustic monitoring of Orthoptera in a Mediterranean landscape, the Hymettos, Greece
GUC Lehmann, KH Frommolt, AW Lehmann, K Riede
Journal of Insect Conservation 18, 909-925, 2014
Звуковая активность волка
АА Никольский, КХ Фроммольт
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего …, 1989
Advantages and disadvantages of acoustic monitoring of birds–realistic scenarios for automated bioacoustic monitoring in a densely populated region
KH Frommolt, KH Tauchert, M Koch
Computational Bioacoustics for Assessing Biodiversity. Proc. of the Internat …, 2008
Computational bioacoustics for assessing biodiversity
KH Frommolt, R Bardeli, M Clausen
Proceedings of the International Expert meeting on IT-based detection of …, 2008
Directionality of dog vocalizations
KH Frommolt, A Gebler
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116 (1), 561-565, 2004
Individuality of territorial barking in Arctic foxes, Alopex lagopus (L., 1758)
KH Frommolt, EP Kruchenkova, H Russig
Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde 62, 66-70, 1997
Sidebands—facts and artefacts
KH Frommolt
Bioacoustics 10 (2-3), 219-224, 1999
To compete or not to compete: bushcricket song plasticity reveals male body condition and rival distance
M Anichini, KH Frommolt, GUC Lehmann
Animal Behaviour 142, 59-68, 2018
Vocalizations in juvenile anurans: common spadefoot toads (Pelobates fuscus) regularly emit calls before sexual maturity
L Ten Hagen, A Rodríguez, N Menke, C Göcking, M Bisping, KH Frommolt, ...
The Science of Nature 103, 1-8, 2016
Automated bat call classification using deep convolutional neural networks
E Schwab, S Pogrebnoj, M Freund, F Flossmann, S Vogl, KH Frommolt
Bioacoustics 32 (1), 1-16, 2023
Die Chinadommel Ixobrychus sinensis am Roten Meer in Ägypten–erste nachweise eines übersehenen westpaläarktischen Brutvogels
J Hering, PH Barthel, HJ Eilts, KH Frommolt, E Fuchs, W Heim, K Müller, ...
Limi cola 26, 253-278, 2013
Automatisierte Methoden der Erfassung von Rufen und Gesängen in der avifaunistischen Feldforschung
KH Frommolt, O Hüppop, R Bardeli, R Hill, M Koch, KH Tauchert, ...
Vogelwarte 50 (2), 65-78, 2012
The animal sound archive at the Humboldt-University of Berlin: Current activities in conservation and improving access for bioacoustic research
KH Frommolt, R Bardeli, F Kurth, M Clausen
Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 2006
Die Lautäußerungen der Knoblauchkröte (Pelobates fuscus) und Möglichkeiten einer akustischen Bestandserfassung der Art
KH Frommolt, M Kaufmann, S Mante, M Zadow
Rana, Sonderheft 5, 101-112, 2008
Variability of song in the Great Reed WarblerAcrocephalus arundinaceus
S Fischer, KH Frommolt, G Tembrock
Journal für Ornithologie 137, 503-513, 1996
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