Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Camden HubbardWeitere Informationen
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Stress-induced structural changes in La-doped BiFeO3–PbTiO3 high-temperature piezoceramics
T Leist, KG Webber, W Jo, E Aulbach, J Rödel, AD Prewitt, JL Jones, ...
Acta materialia 58 (18), 5962-5971, 2010
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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Current capabilities of the residual stress diffractometer at the high flux isotope reactor
P Cornwell, J Bunn, CM Fancher, EA Payzant, CR Hubbard
Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (9), 2018
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Current understanding of cracking of recovery boiler primary air port composite tubes
JR Keiser, DL Singbeil, GB Sarma, JR Kish, KA Choudhury, LA Frederick, ...
2003 TAPPI Engineering conference, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Energy
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