Camden Hubbard
Camden Hubbard
Applied Diffraction Services
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RIR-measurement and use in quantitative XRD
CR Hubbard, RL Snyder
Powder Diffraction 3 (2), 74-77, 1988
Thermal properties of Ti3SiC2
MW Barsoum, T El-Raghy, CJ Rawn, WD Porter, H Wang, EA Payzant, ...
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 60 (4), 429-439, 1999
The reference intensity ratio, I/Ic, for computer simulated powder patterns
CR Hubbard, EH Evans, DK Smith
Applied Crystallography 9 (2), 169-174, 1976
Standard X-ray diffraction powder patterns from the JCPDS research associateship
HF McMurdie, MC Morris, EH Evans, B Paretzkin, W Wong-Ng, L Ettlinger, ...
Powder diffraction 1 (2), 64-77, 1986
Experimental and Thermodynamic Study of Nonstoichiometry in <YBa2Cu3O7‐x>
TB Lindemer, JF Hunley, JE Gates, AL Sutton Jr, J Brynestad, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 72 (10), 1775-1788, 1989
JCPDS—International Centre for Diffraction Data round robin study of silver behenate. A possible low-angle X-ray diffraction calibration standard
TN Blanton, TC Huang, H Toraya, CR Hubbard, SB Robie, D Louer, ...
Powder Diffraction 10 (2), 91-95, 1995
A silicon powder diffraction standard reference material
CR Hubbard, HE Swanson, FA Mauer
Applied Crystallography 8 (1), 45-48, 1975
Surface residual stresses in machined austenitic stainless steel
DY Jang, TR Watkins, KJ Kozaczek, CR Hubbard, OB Cavin
Wear 194 (1-2), 168-173, 1996
A study of residual stresses and microstructure in 2024-T3 aluminum friction stir butt welds
MA Sutton, AP Reynolds, DQ Wang, CR Hubbard
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. 124 (2), 215-221, 2002
Structure of Ti4AlN3—a layered Mn+ 1AXn nitride
CJ Rawn, MW Barsoum, T El-Raghy, A Procipio, CM Hoffmann, ...
Materials research bulletin 35 (11), 1785-1796, 2000
Refinement of the structure of solid nitromethane
SF Trevino, E Prince, CR Hubbard
The Journal of Chemical Physics 73 (6), 2996-3000, 1980
Standard X-ray diffraction powder patterns
MC Morris, HF McMurdie, EH Evans, B Paretzkin, HS Parker, N Pyrros, ...
(No Title), 1982
Methods of producing standard X-ray diffraction powder patterns
HF McMurdie, MC Morris, EH Evans, B Paretzkin, W Wong-Ng, ...
Powder Diffraction 1 (1), 40-43, 1986
Nanocrystallization and phase transformation in monodispersed ultrafine zirconia particles from various homogeneous precipitation methods
MZC Hu, RD Hunt, EA Payzant, CR Hubbard
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 82 (9), 2313-2320, 1999
VULCAN—The engineering diffractometer at the SNS
XL Wang, TM Holden, GQ Rennich, AD Stoica, PK Liaw, H Choo, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 385, 673-675, 2006
NBS* AIDS80: A FORTRAN program for crystallographic data evaluation
AD Mighell, CR Hubbard, JK Stalick
US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1981
Crystallization and phase transformation process in zirconia: an in situ high‐temperature X‐ray diffraction study
R Srinivasan, BH Davis, OB Cavin, CR Hubbard
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 75 (5), 1217-1222, 1992
JCPDS-ICDD research associateship (cooperative program with NBS/NIST)
W Wong-Ng, HF McMurdie, CR Hubbard, AD Mighell
Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology …, 2001
Factors determining the crystal phases of zirconia powders: a new outlook
R Srinivasan, CR Hubbard, OB Cavin, BH Davis
Chemistry of materials 5 (1), 27-31, 1993
Creep and stress rupture behavior of an advanced silicon nitride: part I, experimental observations
MN Menon, HT Fang, DC Wu, MG Jenkins, MK Ferber, KL More, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 77 (5), 1217-1227, 1994
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