Elizabeth Seiver
Elizabeth Seiver
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Did she jump because she was the big sister or because the trampoline was safe? Causal inference and the development of social attribution
E Seiver, A Gopnik, ND Goodman
Child development 84 (2), 443-454, 2013
Developing intuitions about free will between ages four and six
T Kushnir, A Gopnik, N Chernyak, E Seiver, HM Wellman
Cognition 138, 79-101, 2015
Children’s causal inferences from conflicting testimony and observations.
S Bridgers, D Buchsbaum, E Seiver, TL Griffiths, A Gopnik
Developmental psychology 52 (1), 9, 2016
Reading Minds: How Infants Come to Understand Others.
A Gopnik, E Seiver
Zero to Three (J) 30 (2), 28-32, 2009
How universal are free will beliefs? Cultural differences in Chinese and US 4‐and 6‐year‐olds
AO Wente, S Bridgers, X Zhao, E Seiver, L Zhu, A Gopnik
Child development 87 (3), 666-676, 2016
Do I know that you know what you know? Modeling testimony in causal inference
D Buchsbaum, S Bridgers, A Whalen, E Seiver, T Griffiths, A Gopnik
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 34 (34), 2012
Learning about causes from people and about people as causes: probabilistic models and social causal reasoning
D Buchsbaum, E Seiver, S Bridgers, A Gopnik
Advances in child development and behavior 43, 125-160, 2012
How causal learning helps us understand other people and how other people help us learn about causes: Probabilistic models and the development of social cognition.
A Gopnik, E Seiver, D Buchsbaum
Oxford University Press, 2013
Causal attribution: insights from developmental, cross-cultural work on social and physical reasoning
EA Seiver
University of California, Berkeley, 2013
Culture, causal attributions, and development: A comparison of Chinese and US 4-and 6-year-olds
A Wente, S Bridgers, X Zhao, Y Cui, E Seiver, L Zhanxing, L Zhu, ...
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 37, 2015
Cultural variability in young children’s folk intuitions of free will
A Wente, S Bridgers, A Gopnik, Z Xin, Z Liqi, E Seiver
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 36 (36), 2014
Cross-domain variation in children's causal reasoning
E Seiver, A Gopnik
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 33 (33), 2011
Correction to “When Fairness Is Not Enough: The Disproportionate Contributions of the Poor in a Collective Action Problem” by Malthouse et al.(2023)
HM Wellman, T Kushnir, F Xu, KA Brink, AO Wente, S Bridgers, X Zhao, ...
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